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The Scoop – Essentially

Me and My Boys

I’m a Montana Mama of two boys (Simon and August). I’m also married to a gem of a dude (Shane). I thought I’d try to take some time out, as often as possible, to blog about one of the passions in my life, Young Living Essential Oils. I use them daily and I use them very freely with my entire family and they’ve kept us healthier since we’ve started making them a part of our lives. So this is my devotion to wellness as a Mama and wife and the knowledge I’ve gained I’d like to share and be able to reference down the road.

If you like what you’re reading and want to get some oils for yourself or talk more, please contact me at [email protected] and I’ll hook ya up! You can also simply visit Young Living’s Website and click on “Member Sign Up” in the upper right hand corner of the homepage. You can become a customer, preferred customer or distributor here – use 1011092 as your Sponsor ID and Enroller ID.

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2 Responses

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  1. the flower co says

    Thanks for following me, Mama in Montana. I bet it is just beautiful out where you are. I can’t say enough about using essential oils. You keep on doing what you are doing and I will check out your website. Have a great weekend.

  2. YLEOmama says

    Hey a website you may be interested in linking to… Check it out!! She’s got a great book called Living Balanced!

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