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Oils for Kids

So I’ve decided to post something every day (or maybe every other day) with mention to an oil that is great for kids, or possibly a common ailment with a list of oils that can help to heal. I wanted to start outside of the Start Living with Everyday Oils kit, so I will do that tonight. And, the first oil that I’ll talk about it is Roman Chamomile. This oil seemed to have a funky smell to me the first time I smelled it, even though I couldn’t wait to finally add it to my collection. It is good for almost everything that has to do with kids – and is a must for a first aid kit. So I’m just going to list as many things as I can think of that this oil is great for: Teething, massage, calming, over stimulation, SLEEPING (sometimes this oil works much more effectively than Peace & Calming – remember every oil resonates differently with each individual), sickness, vomiting, insomnia, fevers (Peppermint is also good for pulling a fever out of the system), constipation, diarrhea, tonsillitis, bronchitis, migraines, rubella, worms, it is a great antiseptic, and seriously a must have in your medicine cabinet. There are a few more that are must haves for kids, but this one is near the top of the list. Of course this oil is a great oil for adults to use for all of these same purposes, the reason I stress that it is great for kids however is because it is a good safe oil and a non-toxic way to remedy some of life’s little bumps.

Stay tuned for more! Oh and my favorite resource over the past few weeks has been a new book! Valerie Ann Worwood’s book The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy is where I found most of this info. Great Reference!

At the end of this little series I’ll post a first aid kit of therapeutic grade essential oils so you can all make sure you have these tools in your kit.


Remember there is a contest this month for anyone in my downline that places an Essential Rewards order of 100PV or more. You will qualify to win a free 15 ml bottle of Aroma Life. Go here to sign up!

Posted in Day to Day.

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