Start everyday with some Valor. That’s what I usually tell people when I’m talking about this oil. This is September’s pretty oil blend of the month. Don’t be surprised when it drops into your hand by the color, it is bluish purple because of the Blue Tansy that is in it. It also has Rosewood, Frankincense, and Spruce essential oils. This oil is the perfect way to start your day because it tends to balance most people out, it instills courage, confidence and is great for your self-esteem. This particular oil also comes in a roll-on form, which is pretty convenient for carrying around in your purse. I like to put a drop or so on my neck every morning and the bottoms of my feet. I’ve definitely noticed a difference within myself after using this especially when I’m feeling like things are kind of out of control in my life, or when I’m a little PMSy. It is very grounding!
Valor is also known as the ‘chiropractor in a bottle’ this is because it helps the body to self-correct its balance and alignment – it actually straightens your spine…just ask Anna Rummel 😉 .
I like to use this oil under other oils, I start with this one and then apply other oils on top of it because it helps to drive the other oils more effectively into your system.
My husband has had back problems for years and I also had my first bout with a thrown out back and I used Valor on the affected area and then applied my PanAway and Deep Relief roller on top of the Valor. This seemed to be the most effective method where I could feel the most results. Also since it has the spine straightening properties when our backs our “out of whack” I try and apply daily to straighten us out.
Valor is in the starter kit which comes with the following: Frankincense, Peace & Calming, Lemon, Purification, Thieves, Lavender, PanAway, and Peppermint – and an extra Peppermint and Lavender and a diffuser coupon (which makes it totally worth your while) and when your diffuser is shipped you get another free Lavender and Citrus Fresh. $150.00 (Plus, then you get wholesale prices for life). Valor retail (by itself is
Valor is great for kids also. I put it on Simon and Gus whenever I can possibly remember to do it.
Some other things Valor has been said to help:
It can help overcome fear.
It brings a feeling of calmness, peace and relaxation. You can use in place of Peace & Calming for spirited children.
It can be used as a pain reliever.
Valor is $19.75 wholesale and $25.99 retail.
We’ve got little colds right now and Gussy’s seriously lasted maybe 2 days, Simon still has a stuffy nose, but I think it is new school stress, too much dairy and just going going going, I’ve warded off whatever was coming my way with oils, and Inner Defense $24.75 wholesale $32.57 retail (Thieves in a capsule) and Shane is feeling it today, but he’s been oiling up and using Inner Defense also, so I’m sure it will go away, it better, we’ve got a big wedding this weekend! So, this is a great time of year to double check that you’ve got a bottle of Thieves ($31.75 wholesale $41.78 retail) on hand! Colds are upon us already…and of course that means the flu is too! Fight the flu with Thieves or even better, prevent it!
Specials this month – You can get a free bottle of Abundance Oil with a purchase of 170 PV or more. And Ylang Ylang is 10% off but if you are doing Autoship you still get the full PV. I always try and get the oil of the month that is on sale and this month it is a good one! Look in your books to see what it is good for, if you need a book, also please let me know. I sell them for $20.
The Feelings Kit is also on sale for the next couple of weeks 25% off. If any of you have had your eye on that, now would be a good time to nab it up.
If you’d like me to throw anything on my order for you this month, please let me know no later than the 5th (Saturday). I don’t mind doing so, if you are signed up already for wholesale, you can get whatever you order from me at wholesale, no shipping, if you aren’t a wholesale member then I’d charge retail, but still NO SHIPPING! Little perk!
Offer still stands for the free lemon oil if you have or schedule a party this month, so let me know if you want to set something up in Sept or Oct, even if it is your second party it’ll still be fun. Now is the time of year when people start worrying about colds/flus again…so you’ll need your essential oils!