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Grapefruit Oil for June


Mmmm! One of my favorites ever! I like to talk about my favorites. I guess I should also mention while I’m on the subject (of favorites!) that White Angelica is the oil that is 10% off this month and it is also one of my very favorites. White Angelica is $54.75 wholesale and it is on sale this month for $49.28 wholesale. (This is if you are currently a distributor) – if you are a retail customer the price will be $64.84. It is a very protective oil and wonderful for depression or whenever you are feeling down, just put a couple of drops on your shoulders to lift you right back up! It is also an amazing perfume. If you want to smell it let me know and I’ll get you a sample.

Now back to the Grapefruit. Grapefruit is another very uplifting oil. I’m kind of a sucker for anything citrus so this oil is at the top of my list, and another really awesome thing about citrus oils is they tend to be pretty inexpensive. Grapefruit oil is $15.00 wholesale and $19.74 retail. Young Living also makes a delicious Grapefruit Lip Balm that I really love!

Some things that Grapefruit Oil is great for: Hangovers (overindulgence if you will), cooking (chicken, fish, veggies, pasta, desserts, pastries, etc.), it is wonderful for your fingernails, for your skin, & for cellulite. Grapefruit oil is a tonic, it is a diuretic, it is great for kidney and liver problems, migraines and depression. It has been used as a tonic and aid during drug withdrawal. I personally like to use it as a perfume. It is one of my favorites to diffuse and I often diffuse it with Lavender or something calming but often diffuse it all by itself.

It is great to use on your lymph nodes as an immune booster, which I know I’ve mentioned previously but it works wonderfully. I will mention that I did have a friend that was using it daily in addition to her Young Living deodorant and wasn’t diluting it daily and she ended up with some burns under her arms – so you do want to dilute if you are using this oil daily…on sensitive skin especially.

Young Living mentions a few other uses: It has a citrus aroma that is energizing and uplifting. Rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene, it is nourishing to the skin. Like many coldpressed citrus oils, it is a popular oil to use in conjunction with weight management programs. Grapefruit may also be used to enhance the flavor of food and water.

This oil is great for jet lag, pre-menstrual tension, gallstones, stress and the cardiovascular system, oooh and water retention. Grapefruit oil is anti-tumoral, an antiseptic, detoxifying, and all around yummy!

Some good oils to blend with Grapefruit are basil, bergamot, cedarwood, chamomile, cypress, frankincense, geranium, juniper, lavender, peppermint, rosemary, rosewood and ylang ylang.

Kids love Grapefruit oil and it is very safe to use with them. I use this book as a reference guide for using oils with my kiddos and it mentions Grapefruit oil often!

So, I’ll be brief today please as always let me know if you want to order anything – my order processes on the 7th at midnight.

And we’re meeting TONIGHT at my house if you are interested in discussing business building – you can build an oil business with very little work and we will share some tips and set some goals tonight. If you’d like a summary of the info sent to you please let me know!

Happy June, Be Well!

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Cleansing Day 5

carrot seeds

Welp we’ve reached the end of a long 5 days. I shouldn’t be complaining as much as I have been, since it was my decision to cleanse in the first place. I feel good, today was definitely a day of cleaning out – lots of bathroom time today (finally) – I decided to finish my day off with a cup of fennel tea and actually ate a tasty salad for dinner. I felt like it was time. So I guess I didn’t officially FINISH the cleanse but why should a girl have to wait until her birthday? Fennel Tea and a Salad now that’s not so bad. I plan to stay on a healthy track after spending the last 5 days cleaning out, I vow to do my best to only put good in. *with the exception of some wine tomorrow since I turn 33*

Kiddie Hoe

I feel like overall things went really well. I didn’t do as much exercising as I would’ve liked to over the past week but the weather hasn’t been very cooperative. I feel great today though even though I didn’t get to hike as much as I would’ve liked to. I’m planning a hike tomorrow morning (weather permitting) and another in the afternoon – I’ll catch up.

I think the Peppermint that was in the Digest and Cleanse capsules was my favorite. I really used a lot of Peppermint oil during this cleanse. I used some Lavender just to keep myself at peace and I drank tons and tons of Lemon in my water. I feel good – I feel like it was worth it. I think the main benefit for me is the healthy restart. I just needed a little boost to get myself back on track cooking/baking and preparing healthy foods for myself and my family. Although it takes a lot of time it is totally worth it. We’ve got a fridge full of delicious fresh raw foods that I plan to eat and prepare all week long, until we make a trip to the Good Food Store to replenish. I’m still holding out for our delicious garden goodies…we got a bit of a late start planting so no fresh greens yet, but they are all sprouting and showing their pretty green faces. Soon we will be tasting them!

Planting Seeds Watering Can

I definitely couldn’t have done it without my awesome helpers.

Watering Watering Carrots

And so my love of plants comes full circle. I love the essential oils that are distilled from them, I love to eat them, smell them and drink them and I love to grow them and we finally have the gardens to do just that – we couldn’t be more excited! I also love to share them – that might be the best part.

So I leave you – all cleansed – Happy Spring – Happy Cleansing and I hope in some way (in spite of my complaints) I’ve motivated some of you to do some spring cleaning. I feel great. And I’m pretty happy the 5 day Nutritive Cleanse has come to an end.

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Cleansing Day 4


Someone recently asked me if you could get Lilac Oil, and if you could, I would marry it!

I feel great this morning! So I decided I’d do a morning post again. I have a lot of energy and my spirits have definitely lifted from yesterday. I truly believe this is actually doing something positive for me now…where as yesterday I was a bit skeptical. I made lunches this morning and didn’t feel any cravings at all – although like I said they tend to get a lot worse as the day progresses…but the way I feel right now is pretty encouraging. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still very excited that the duration is only 5 days – and tomorrow is the 5th day. And, I don’t know for sure that I’d do it again, but I bet I’m going to feel awesome on Friday morning when I wake up! I could have a change of heart and start trying this out every other season? We’ll see.

Still no poop (to speak of) but since I’m not ingesting much I’m not surprised. I do have to say that my shakes are growing on me. I find myself really looking forward to that fullness and the taste (since I made the switch to water) has been a lot more bearable. I even added a bit extra water to my shake for lunch today to make more. My kids do that with their juice – they like to add water to make more juice – works out well for me because they aren’t getting as much sugar.  Still no headaches at all, it has actually been pretty painless for the most part. The other plus is there is no food prep. I know that with some cleanses the grocery list can get a bit insane and then maybe you don’t completely follow through with the cleanse in the end and you have all of this extra food that nobody really wants to eat.

I’ve decided that I’d like to give the other cleanse, I have in my possession, away. The way I’ve decided to do so is to have a party booking contest and a sign up contest. So there are two ways to qualify.

You can book a party with me – I’ll come and talk to you and a group of your friends/family about the Everyday Oils and how you can incorporate them into your everyday life in a very beneficial way for yourself and/or your family. You try all of the oils at the party and learn about each one in detail. The party has to be booked before the 10th of June but doesn’t have to take place until September 30th. I think that’s a fair amount of time. Summer parties are super fun – we can do them outside if you prefer, on a deck in the sunshine! If you have to cancel your party for some reason and you win the cleanse I come over, while you are doing your cleanse, with a big juicy cheeseburger and fries and eat it right in front of you, and I hope that you will rebook. Oil parties are super fun, relaxing, rejuvenating and really great for you.

The second way to win the cleanse is to sign up as a distributor with Essential Rewards Autoship. If you are already a distributor in my downline then your name will go in the drawing by simply signing up for the Essential Rewards program. If you have been on the fence about Essential Rewards please check my previous post about how awesome it is! It is a great way to get Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils for free!

If there are questions please let me know by leaving a comment or emailing me from the site. I am willing to help in anyway that I’m able. I just think it is important that everyone has healing essential oils – they have really changed my life and I know they can be life changing for you too.

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Cleansing Day 3


I decided I’d post at the end of today instead of the beginning – some weird psychological thing – makes me feel so much closer to the end of my 5 day nutritive cleanse. So I’m about to fall asleep while I’m typing but it isn’t because of the cleanse it is because my day was filled – like they usually are – and don’t get me wrong I’m thankful for that fullness (usually). I’m doing alright I think, I had an investment club meeting tonight and resisted the temptation of all of the delicious food I prepared and set out for my co-investors…since I hosted. Tonight was actually the main reason I almost postponed my cleanse…but I forged through, so I’m happy. I could really use some hummus though!

I’ve been feeling hungry – I’m not gonna lie to you. I found myself a little bit on edge today. I snapped at Simon tonight (granted he slid down our slide full speed into his brother, on purpose) and laid in bed with him apologizing and then told him I could probably eat his arms if he wanted me to. I was immediately forgiven with giggles – but cleansing with two kids, a husband, a store, investment club meeting, knitting blog, crafting blog, lunch blog, a house that needs to be cleaned constantly but especially before people show up, laundry coming out my ears, and an oil business is a little bit tricky. Mama likes to eat food. And she will in just two more days. I know for sure at this point that if I hadn’t publicly announced my cleanse to each and everyone of you that might be reading out there – I probably would’ve caved. I’ll be happy when it is over and I’m all cleaned out!

I haven’t really been pooping – none of the  toothpaste poop (that I was forewarned of). I pee constantly but that is because I drink water constantly – it fills my belly for a few minutes. The instructions for the cleanse tell me that by day 3 my cravings will be gone – um wrong. I’ve been mixing the Balance Complete with water, which I may have already mentioned but that is just because the mixture with milk tasted too thick. I am finding however that after I drink my magical shake if I do wait a few minutes, as suggested, I’m full. I start to get really hungry though about an hour or so before I drink my shake. I fall asleep hungry, but wake up not hungry. The Ningxia Red is definitely giving me energy – I ran around like a chicken with her head cut off cleaning my house this afternoon and didn’t tire. The capsules – I’m not sure what exactly they are doing but I can taste Peppermint (which I’m into) and that is in the Digest & Cleanse Capsules. So I guess overall – so far so good – just really hard to resist the food at dinnertime. Everything smells so delicious!

The great part about the end of the day is I can say only 2 more days to go and I can really mean it – posting about my progress in the morning is for the birds.

P.S. my apple blossom photos are a little bit out of order, just pretend I posted this one before the Cleansing Day 1 post.

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Cleansing Day 2


So the first day wasn’t too bad, until my brother-in-law and sister-in-law came over to barbecue. I wanted a tasty cheeseburger from the grill pretty badly. Unfortunately, for me, I also lost my partner in crime yesterday. My husband already caved. He wasn’t interested in drinking what he called a ‘vanilla sand shake’ three times a day. I however enjoyed another one for breakfast this morning. It isn’t that horrible…it’s not something I’ll want to replace a meal with after the cleanse is over, but it isn’t awful. I don’t however feel very cleansed today (yet), but maybe that is why the cleanse is 5 days long. I don’t really feel much different than I do every morning when I wake up. I am hoping this cleanse will help me get myself back on track to eating really super healthy foods – from our garden is what I’m looking the most forward to. Look at all of those yummy organic seeds we’ll be enjoying very soon!

I did feel really hungry last night, but I stayed up kind of late. When I woke up this morning I wasn’t feeling hungry at all, so that was good. I think the hardest part is making food for my kids because I really want to eat everything I make them. Yesterday – grilled cheese, roasted red pepper soup, apples, oranges, yum! Today – I got up and made their tasty lunches before Simon went off to school…and that feels tempting too – just to get one tasty morsel of that healthy lunch…only a few more days! Overall though things are going well. I don’t generally feel hungry and I’ve been drinking lots of Lemon oil and I had some Peppermint yesterday (which is a great oil for curbing your appetite). I have been drinking my Ningxia Red and I know that is giving me lots of energy…so I’ll totally make it through Thursday.

Cleansing! The 5 Day Nutritive Cleanse isn’t all that bad so far!

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Cleansing Day 1

Apple Blossom

Spring is in full swing in our backyard. Look at our beautiful apple blossoms! Time to do some internal spring cleaning!

Just started the 5 day nutritive cleanse this morning. (Please note that the price will vary for distributors). Took our shot glasses full of Ningxia Red, drank our creamy shake (that tastes like vanilla frosting) and swallowed down the little Digest and Cleanse capsule. Lots of water today! We’re attempting to do this without snacks – we’ll see how it goes. I do have to say that shake is very filling. I also know for a fact that by day 5 – I won’t be into that shake anymore! Oh well we’ll see how it all pans out. I’ll keep everyone posted. When I say “we” I mean my husband and I – it’ll be much better to do it together!
I’m expecting some cleansing to start happening today. A friend just finished the cleanse and she told me her poop resembled toothpaste (sorry to be so graphic).

I’m ready to clean out my body – if I’m into this cleanse it will be something I start doing seasonally. I’ll be using my oils all day today as well! Peppermint is high on my list of things to enjoy today.

One of the things that can happen when you are detoxing is a headache – luckily I have my oils to help with that.

Happy Spring Cleaning!

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Essential Rewards Autoship

You just heard from me yesterday – but I wanted to just let you all know – one more time about the benefits of Essential Rewards.
Check out this brochure and this brochure for a whole lot of info.
I just emailed those of you that are already partaking in this amazing deal – but I wanted to let the rest of you know about what you are missing out on!

By participating in the Essential Rewards Program you’ll get all kinds of benefits – most importantly free oils!
Credits – Months 1-6 10% back of whatever you order, Months 7-12 15% back of whatever you order and Months 13 and above you get 20% back of whatever you order.
The Benefits:
1. You help the people in your up-line grow their Young Living business (like me – and I really really appreciate it!)
2. You get discounted shipping (bulk shipping) $7.95 on first 5 lbs.
3. You get discounted pricing on the Essential Rewards Packs – ART Skincare, Thieves, Everyday Oils, Ningxia Red, or Core Essentials Complete.
4. You get bonuses that you can read about in the brochures above but this is for distributors placing 100PV orders each month.
5. You get monthly wellness training and support CDs
6. You can order things for your friends/family on your autoship and still get those free points and charge those people “customers” retail prices.
So this is just a small list, once you start doing autoship, you’ll never want to stop. If you are feeling like you don’t know what you’d like to order, please take some time to visit the other blog entries and or just contact me and I’ll help you figure out what you might want to order. I can also do my best to help you fulfill your order each month. I have a lot of people that call or email me monthly that need things and I generally throw them on my order, I’m happy to spread these orders around though to help you meet your goals.

You just log in to sign up, if you don’t know how to log in please just ask and I’ll email you step by step instructions. You are required to order 50PV worth of oils per month – but you can pick whatever you would like each month (always change your order to get something new). You can order 100PV per month and get extra benefits! You can pick the date your order processes and switch it around when you need to. You can also skip one month per year (maybe you don’t need anything one month – just call or do the live chat and they’ll put things on hold for you).

If this information sounds good to you and you’d like to sign up for Essential Rewards, please let me know and I can help you do so. If this information sounds good to you and you’d like to learn more about business building I’m happy to meet up with you and talk to you about how I have gotten to the place that I am. I’d love to visit with anyone that is interested in building a Young Living Business – you don’t need to have much extra time – I sure don’t!

Happy Tuesday! I look forward to hearing from some of you! This is a great business to build if you have a family or if you are a stay at home Mama/Papa. I can give you the tools you need and all it takes is a love of Essential Oils, some sharing. and very little time.

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Roman Chamomile for May

Oil Feet

Waiting for nightly oil application! Feet up!

Woah it is May already and 10 days in. Sorry for the huge delay. My sister and her kiddos just left our house so we were a busy busy household for a week. I’d already planned for the oil of the month to be Roman Chamomile though so I feel pretty happy that I don’t have a huge decision to make right now.
Roman Chamomile –
We use this oil at least 5 times a week, probably most weeks even more often. It is a wonderful oil for kiddos. It is a great calming oil, and a nice oil to use for pain. It helps bring my kids back to a much better place if they are feeling upset about something. It is great for relaxing in general. It is a common bedtime oil at our house, Simon always asks for his oils for sleeping and this is one that I throw in the mix. I like to rub it on Simon’s back when he’s drifting off to sleep at night. And I put it on Gus’s feet usually. He’s a little bit more sensitive to smells than Simon is. This oil is a great alternative to Peace and Calming but I actually combine them if my kids are feeling restless at bedtime – which usually seems to happen when they are overtired.
I know I tend to talk about my kids a lot in my posts, but please know that these oils have the same effect on adults, I like to talk about my kids so that you know they are safe enough to use on kids. This particular oil is actually very safe for babies. This is a great oil for colic (so is Dill). It is recommended that this oil be diluted for children under the age of 6, but I don’t dilute it with my kiddos, I probably would with an infant though. Dilute with olive oil or Young Living’s V-6. Reminder : Don’t dilute oils with water, if you have any sort of discomfort with an oil don’t use water, use an edible oil!
I talk a little bit more about Roman Chamomile in my First Aid Kit post. It is great for pain relief, fevers, teething pain, muscle spasms, insomnia, constipation, rashes, eczema and earaches. You’ll notice there will be some overlap between the oils, they may be good for the same things, that’s the coolest part about using therapeutic grade essential oils for healing you treat the actual symptom. This oil is also great for calming and soothing anytime. The smell might take a little bit of getting used to but after I knew how incredible the effects were the smell is one I’ve grown to love.
While my niece was here she had a rough afternoon where she was coming down with something she had a little fever and was just lethargic and tired. We put some Thieves on her feet and put Roman Chamomile on her forehead. She fell asleep within minutes and when she woke up she was a brand new girl. We’d decided if she was still feeling really bad when she got up and if she was feverish we’d put some Peppermint on her feet, but we didn’t end up needing to do that.
I’ve seen this oil work time and time again with my kids so I definitely recommend it as part of your first aid kit.
Roman Chamomile is anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, and antispasmodic. It is a good oil to combat digestive and liver ailments – it detoxifies your blood and liver. It is great for skin regeneration, restless legs, acne, insomnia, and depression.
This oil can be directly applied to the afflicted area or diffused. Some good oils to pair Roman Chamomile with are Lavender, Clary Sage (not for kiddos), Rose or Geranium. Geranium was last month’s monthly oil so if you want more info on this powerful oil check it out on the blog.
Speaking of the blog – if you become a reader you’ll be notified when I post something new, a notification will show up in your inbox – I do a lot of extras during the month in addition to the monthly oil emails.

Ordering: If you need something this month please let me know, my autoship already processed but I’ll get it on someone’s autoship and to you as quickly as possible.

We (Shane and I) are doing the cleanse – haven’t started yet but hopefully by the next email I’ll have a full report for you. It is the 5 day nutritive cleanse. A cleanse is a great thing to do seasonally, and this one I haven’t tried yet, so I’ll let you know how it all goes.

Discussion group fell through the cracks last month. Sorry! I’m thinking it might be fun to have it at my house this month. Maybe the week of the 17th-21st (next week already!). Does a certain day of the week work better for you than another? Anna and I have also been talking about a business building meeting – so we’ll try and do that this month also, maybe that same week? Date suggestions anyone? I’d like to know who would be interested in that meeting as well.
I am also going to host a class at my house this month – for those that have never been able to attend a party or would like to come to another one as a refresher. It’ll be about 2 hours long, please feel free to bring a friend that has been interested in hearing about the oils or just yourself, and RSVP to me. It will be on May 25th at 7PM. I’ll email my address to those that RSVP.

Please contact me with any questions and as usual I have oil books at my store if you are in need of one.

Bedtime Babes

Happy May – a little bit late.

Posted in Monthly Oils.

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Oils for Chicken Pox

Chicken Pox

Since I had an inquiry today – thought I would do a quick blog post about my findings.

So in addition to the usual Calamine Lotion – you can add drops of Roman Chamomile or German Chamomile, and Lavender.  I am looking at a recipe while I type that calls for 10 drops of Chamomile and 30 drops of Lavender, but if you are using Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils you might not need quite as much in an 8 oz bottle of Calamine Lotion.

Bath ideas taken from my favorite book these days:

Oat Bath: Handful of Oatmeal, 4 drops Roman Chamomile and 4 drops of Lavender. I would put the drops of oil right onto the oats themselves and put in a muslin bag. You can hold it under the faucet while the tub fills up as well.

Salt Bath: After your bath is filled add some sea salt in addition to one drop of Lavender and a drop of Tea Tree oil.

Soothing Bath: Combine 1 cup of baking soda, 2 drops of Lavender and 1 drop of German Chamomile (or Roman Chamomile). Mix well with a spoon before adding to bath.

Roman Chamomile is a very soothing oil all around and very safe for kiddos. I will be writing more about this oil for my May Oil of the month. We use it nearly daily at our house. It is very soothing for any sick kiddo and great for your skin. I would say that Gentle Baby oil might not be a bad idea either for relief, even just to diffuse, to calm little ones.

Also for Chicken Pox sleep is very important. A list of oils taken from the reference guide that help with these little scratchy buggers are: Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Melaleuca (Tea Tree), Roman Chamomile.

A soothing bath recommended in this book contains 2 drops of Lavender and 1 cup of bicarbonate of soda in a bath and soak.
Another suggestion is to add Ravensara to some Green Clay to form a paste to dab on the pox to relieve itching.
It is a good idea to diffuse an antiviral oil such as Lemon and apply this oil to the body a couple of times per day as well. Remember to be mindful of the sunshine if you apply Lemon oil directly to sun-exposed skin.
Some oils mentioned in the Essential Oils Desk Reference are Sandalwood, Melissa, Clove, Geranium. Be careful with that Clove (it is hot – diffusing it might be best). Geranium is always great to use for kids as well.
So I think that pretty much wraps it up.

I’m kind of hoping my kids get chicken pox since they haven’t yet – so if you have them to offer – we’ll come over for a playdate. Get well soon!

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Oils for Gardening


Honestly, until today, using oils in my (non-existent) garden hadn’t even crossed my mind. This year is the year we plant ourselves a vegetable garden. I finally feel like I’ve got the time to tend to it, and my kids are old enough that they can help and reap what they sow. Since we live in Montana it isn’t quite prime time for planting everything, so we’re taking things slow, in fact we were planning to use old railroad ties as a border, but have since changed our minds since we know they aren’t something we’d want in an organic garden. So, we’re waiting for the arrival of my brother-in-law in just a little over a week to help us build a raised bed. I’m so excited I can barely stand it though and I want it to be ready right now, even though we can’t plant seeds outside.

Anyway – I was browsing through a favorite aromatherapy book of mine and found a section on oils and gardening and got really curious.

What I read made total sense! You can use your essential oils as a pest/insect repellent for certain plants and even enhance flavors of your vegetables by adding a bit of oil to your watering can. The one thing that I really want to try is adding some Basil oil to your watering can before you water your tomatoes. Of course you could always just plant basil around your tomatoes, but by simply adding some Basil essential oil to the soil via moisture you’ll get really tasty tomatoes. I’ll let you know if it actually works, but I cannot see why it wouldn’t.
I won’t get carried away with info – but I’ll share one natural insect repellent with you – Got Ants? use some Spearmint, Peppermint, Pennyroyal, Garlic, or Citronella!
I’ll put a new tip up each day all week on my facebook page, so if you aren’t a fan – better friend me!

Happy Earth Week/Month!
Happy Gardening!

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