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Geranium for Springy April


First off I want to thank all of you for helping me reach my goal in March! I made it, and I’m excited but I couldn’t have done it without all of your support so I just want you to know you’re all appreciated!

Second, I just discovered within one of my Reference Guide for Essential Oils books that there is an error. The pages jump from 164 to 487 and there are some pages missing completely from the “Oil Blends” section. If you have this book maybe it would be worthwhile to check it quickly to see if it is in the correct order and/or if you are missing any pages. If you want to let me know I can just reorder a new one for you.

Now for the springtime deliciousness of Geranium Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil. This oil is one that I’ve used quite frequently in the past, but have just recently been discovering how amazing it is over the course of the past couple of months. This oil is amazing for children! You can check my blog entry that is a First Aid Kit and you’ll see Geranium mentioned in that kit. I think it is an oil that everyone ought to have. I guess I think that about almost each featured oil of the month though so you’ll have to do some picking and choosing.
I love diffusing this oil mixed with Lemongrass to kill airborne bacteria and make our house a little bit healthier.
Have chilblains? This oil will make them disappear overnight. Know what chilblains are? I didn’t…wiki is the best!
This oil is incredible when used on your skin, it makes your skin glow! It is a good oil for jaundice, your liver, tumors, your gallbladder, diarrhea, check your reference guide for about a billion other uses.
It is great for treating endometriosis, menopausal problems, diabetes, blood disorders, throat infections, and it can be used as a sedative for all of you insomniacs out there. It is a wonderful oil to use for uterine and breast cancer to help relax and cope with pain.
This oil is an astringent and antiseptic. I use it on owies all the time, I use it to clean cuts and ease pain when my kiddos get hurt.
It is an anti-depressant – the aroma is uplifting. Springy! This oil can be used as an insect repellent (nice safe insect repellent). Use a drop on your acne, burns, stomach to help with digestion. This is a great liver cleansing oil.
Use it for laryngitis.
It is great for candida or yeast infections.
Diffuse Geranium to ease tension and lift your spirits!

I think I’ll keep it fairly brief. This oil is a must have for your medicine cabinet.

As usual let me know if you need any oils and I’ll put them on my order April 7th by midnight please. And if you need info on Essential Rewards Autoship to start earning free oils please contact me and I’ll get you hooked up. Only a 50 PV minimum per month, and you can change your order each month!

Oops I nearly forgot the winner of the free Aroma Life from our March contest is … Linda Lybert! Simon picked number 8 and you were number 8. He just informed me that he won the contest too…so I’ll have to come up with a prize for him. I’ll send your oil to you on Monday.

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First Aid Kit

first aid kit

So our first aid kit at home and on the go consists of many essential oils. It is hard for me to say which are the most important oils to have around, because it is impossible to say what problems could potentially arise. I decided I’d stick to just 8 oils – it feels like a nice round number and eight 5ml-15ml bottles shouldn’t weigh your diaper bag or purse down too much.
So for starters I’d say that Lavender is a must! It is great for burns, sunburns, bee stings, cuts, scrapes, bruising and it is an antiseptic. It can help with sleep, discomfort, headaches, eczema, rashes (even of the diaper variety), insect bites, anxiety, tension, earaches (in combo with chamomile and tea tree or melrose) and the list goes on and on! You can check here for more Lavender info.

The next on the list is probably going to be Roman Chamomile for me. This is an oil that I didn’t use that often because I wasn’t sure until really recently when/how to use it. Turns out it can be used for almost everything just like Lavender. It is great for pain relief, fevers, teething pain, muscle spasms, insomnia, constipation, rashes, eczema and earaches. You’ll notice there will be some overlap between the oils they may be good for the same things – that’s the coolest part about using therapeutic grade essential oils for healing. This oil is also great for calming and soothing anytime. I use it often at bedtime and always when someone isn’t feeling well. The smell might take a little bit of getting used to but after I knew how incredible the effects were the smell is one I’ve grown to love.

R.C. is an oil that we are never ever without. We use it a lot more frequently in the winter than the summer months, but still like to have it on hand always. It is great for colds, coughs, chest congestion, mucous, stuffy noses, breathing complications, and all things cold related. It is great for cold sores, asthma, pneumonia, croup, flu, and since it is a blend you get the benefits of each of the oils that are within this amazing oil. Eucalyptus, Myrtle, Pine, Marjoram, Lavender, Cypress, Tsuga, and Peppermint. I also think that Ravensara is a great oil to have on hand if you aren’t using R.C. or even to use in combination with it (I snuck one more in, whoops). You can check here for more info on R.C.

Geranium is another must have! I love this oil it is amazing for kiddos and adults alike (as are all of the oils I’m listing today). It is a good oil to use for candida, it is good for throat infections/laryngitis, it is an uplifting oil so good for depression. It too is an antiseptic. I diffuse this oil a lot! It is an astringent, a diuretic, and insect repellent. It can help with relaxation and calming. It can be used for acne, digestion, insomnia, menstrual problems, on and on and on! Geranium will be the monthly oil for April, so there will be much more info about it right here in the next few days.

Dill is another really amazing oil! It is great for newborns with colic. It is also a great oil to use for asthma and coughs. It is an expectorant and anti-bacterial. It can be used for digestive issues for any age! It can help with constipation, headaches, and liver deficiencies. It is a wonderful oil for nursing Mamas. It can help promote milk flow!

Peppermint is a wonderful oil for older children and for younger children it might be best to substitute Roman Chamomile. This is a great oil for digestion as well, and I use it when my kids get fevers that I want to break or pull out of their systems (apply to feet). It is an anti-inflammatory so great for swelling. It is good for headaches, asthma, stuffy noses, and really amazing for nausea (can work well for morning sickness too). I keep it around for hot days also, I put it on my kiddos to cool them down if they get too hot (myself too!) The list goes on and you can check here for more info.

Helichrysum is another amazing oil that can be used safely with children. I used it tonight for some growing pains (which can also just be overworked muscles – this is after I watch Simon ride his scooter up and down the street for about an hour at full speed). Pain relief is primarily what I use this oil for (it is an analgesic), but it can also be used for bronchitis, coughs, bruising, arthritis, circulation problems, and about a million other things.

We’ll end with Lemon is an amazing oil for kids and adults alike! My kids drink Lemon oil nearly every day of their lives. This oil is probably the most uplifting oil we use almost daily. Simon and August ask for Lemon oil and nearly every one of the citrus variety before any other oil. Lemon oil is great for your skin (but be mindful of the sunshine if you use it – it will make your skin more photo sensitive). Lemon is an antiseptic and anti-bacterial, great for insect bites, and we just heard that it can help to stop internal bleeding. It is great for viruses (keeping them away and killing them). It is good for nose bleeds (so is Lavender). To read a bit more about Lemon go here.

first aid kit with extras

I wanted to keep it brief so here I shall stop! I have gathered my info from several different sources and of course quite a bit of personal experience as well as experiences from friends/fellow oil users. I’d love to hear about your successes and oils that you have in your first aid kit, so please leave comments if you’d like to.

One last oil that I’m going to sneak in is Purification! I can’t just do 8, so you’ll have to decide what is the most important to you. We don’t even use hydrogen peroxide at our house, Purification is where it is at! It doesn’t sting and it works amazingly! For more info on Purification visit this link.

Happy Healing!

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Oils for Warts

So Simon has a wart on his finger right now, and we’ve been applying Lemon and Oregano (whenever I remember) and putting a bandaid on top overnight. The wart was deep down in his skin before and it has gotten to a puffy point and the actual colored part seems to be surfacing. It doesn’t seem to be bothering him, I know it sounds gross, but it is going away. I know there are other oils that you can use to remedy warts but this is just the method we chose because I remembered reading it somewhere before.
Since my kids are pretty used to oils I felt completely comfortable putting Oregano on Simon’s finger even though it is a pretty hot oil.

Another recipe I wanted to share is from Valerie Ann Worwood’s book and she suggests you always dilute the oils when treating a child under 12 years of age. One way to dilute is in cider vinegar. Her preferred oils are Cypress, Lemon, and Lavender.

Here is the recipe: 10 drops Lemon, 5 drops Cypress, 2 tsp cider vinegar. Put all three in a bottle and shake well. Use a cotton ball and apply twice daily to the infected area. If over 12 apply oils neat (sans the cider vinegar).

She’s got another book that I love called Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child and that contains a different recipe:

Mix the following oils together: 10 drops Lemon, 5 drops Bergamot, 2 drops Cypress, 5 drops Manuka, 4 drops Thyme, and 1 drop Clove. This mixture shouldn’t go near the mouth. Take a q-tip and dip in the oil mixture and apply to the wart. She says you should only use this once a day for no more than 10 days. (This is for hand and finger warts).
For Plantar Warts – Apply twice daily for no more than 10 days.

Here is that book, it is awesome!

There are different recipes for genital warts, please research on your own, that’s for a different blog I think.

Probably one of my very favorite things about oils is there is not just ONE oil that works for what ails you, there may be several oils that can help remedy ailments or conditions that you may have in your life or family. There are many options so maybe what works for someone – might not work for another person, just try a different recipe!
Watch for my first aid kit suggestions in the next couple of days.

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Head Lice


I’ve been hearing some complaints of head lice amongst friends lately. I thought I would talk a little bit about some oils that are good for these pesky little critters. Lice isn’t picky about where it decides to make a home, as long as it is warm and hairy they’ll lay some eggs.

You can use the following essential oils as an addition to rinsing when washing the hair as a lice deterrent. Rosemary, Geranium, Lavender, Eucalyptus, and Lemon.

Valerie Ann Worwood gives us a preventative recipe in her book.

You can make a blend of equal parts Rosemary, Lavender and Lemon and then add 2 drops of this blend to the final rinse after shampooing.
If you think you already have lice then make a blend of Rosemary, Lavender and Geranium and add it to White Beeswax and Castor Oil. Melt the beeswax in a double boiler, add the Castor oil until you create a cream. Don’t add the essential oils until this cream cools as heat can change the chemistry of your therapeutic grade oils possibly making them less effective. Rub this cream deep into the scalp and leave on overnight. If your kiddo has irritation or inflammation from so much scratching you can use the following antiseptic oils for cooling and calming: Geranium, Roman Chamomile, German Chamomile and Lavender.

In my Essential Oils Desk Reference I’ve got another remedy for head lice.

The oil recommendations are Tea tree, Lavender, Peppermint, Thyme, Geranium, Nutmeg, Rosemary, and Cinnamon Leaf. I guess I would think it would be best to be very careful with these oils on a child’s head…just exercise caution and like with anything try on yourself first! The head lice blend recipe is 4 drops of Thyme, 2 drops of Lavender, and 2 drops of Geranium. This should be diluted 50:50. Apply a tsp to scalp and massage in and cover with shower cap for at least 1/2 hour. Then shampoo and rinse well.

I also just read that Pine is a good oil for repelling lice. Rosemary and Geranium are mentioned in every reference guide I’ve looked in so those are really great. Plus Rosemary is just good for your hair in general!

I think with these tools you can come up with a good recipe on your own, something that will work well for you and your family.

I’m sure you’ve heard it before but if you have lice, it doesn’t mean you are dirty, you just happen to have a nice warm head of hair and a little bit of bad luck. Happy Delousing!

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Oils for Kids

So I’ve decided to post something every day (or maybe every other day) with mention to an oil that is great for kids, or possibly a common ailment with a list of oils that can help to heal. I wanted to start outside of the Start Living with Everyday Oils kit, so I will do that tonight. And, the first oil that I’ll talk about it is Roman Chamomile. This oil seemed to have a funky smell to me the first time I smelled it, even though I couldn’t wait to finally add it to my collection. It is good for almost everything that has to do with kids – and is a must for a first aid kit. So I’m just going to list as many things as I can think of that this oil is great for: Teething, massage, calming, over stimulation, SLEEPING (sometimes this oil works much more effectively than Peace & Calming – remember every oil resonates differently with each individual), sickness, vomiting, insomnia, fevers (Peppermint is also good for pulling a fever out of the system), constipation, diarrhea, tonsillitis, bronchitis, migraines, rubella, worms, it is a great antiseptic, and seriously a must have in your medicine cabinet. There are a few more that are must haves for kids, but this one is near the top of the list. Of course this oil is a great oil for adults to use for all of these same purposes, the reason I stress that it is great for kids however is because it is a good safe oil and a non-toxic way to remedy some of life’s little bumps.

Stay tuned for more! Oh and my favorite resource over the past few weeks has been a new book! Valerie Ann Worwood’s book The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy is where I found most of this info. Great Reference!

At the end of this little series I’ll post a first aid kit of therapeutic grade essential oils so you can all make sure you have these tools in your kit.


Remember there is a contest this month for anyone in my downline that places an Essential Rewards order of 100PV or more. You will qualify to win a free 15 ml bottle of Aroma Life. Go here to sign up!

Posted in Day to Day.

Growing Pains

sleepy simon

Simon (5 years old) occasionally gets growing pains. They are mainly in his legs and they tend to be at bedtime or even in the middle of the night. I just wanted to share the quick little remedy I’ve come up with that seems to help him. We have a health food store where we can purchase homeopathic remedies and there is a Kids First Aid Kit that I got made by Boiron. It has a few different remedies in it, but one that is used for Growing Pains, Calcarea phosphorica 6C.

I always use a combination of some V-6 and PanAway right on his legs and either put long pajama pants on him or make sure I snuggle him up really well in his blankets. He always calms down immediately when I put the oils on him and I think the combo seems to really do the trick.

I also like to put a couple of drops of Peace and Calming on him too, just to help calm him down and he is always able to go back to sleep – at least so far. I’ll keep you posted if things change. Peace & Calming always seems to help the boys to sleep if they are having troubles. We just got back from a weekend away and they struggled a bit with falling asleep, until I massaged some Peace & Calming onto their backs. Ahh… Nighty Night.

Oh and one more thing I’ll touch on is the pairing of aromatherapy and homeopathy. There are different beliefs about this combo. I have always have great results pairing them, but some believe they don’t pair well together. My suggestion is just to try it for yourself. Here is a good link that talks briefly about this subject. If you are concerned about pairing the two maybe just don’t use them at the same time – take your remedy and maybe use your oils a couple of hours later, or even a few days later.

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Copaiba for March

Oil Case

February flew by, I can’t believe it is already time for another oil message. I guess it was a short month. I hope this finds all of you well. I should have picked Joy for March since you can get it and the Stress Away roller free with a 175PV order this month. PanAway is on sale this month 10% off the 5ml bottle – and you still get the full PV (for those of you on Essential Rewards Autoship). If you aren’t an “autoshipper” but are considering it, please let me know, there are all kinds of perks! One biggie is the bulk shipping rate, plus you acquire points toward free oils! Nothin’ better than free oils!

Now for the March oil – I decided I’d choose one of my favs – I’ve been using a lot of Copaiba these days and since it is a really new oil to Young Living I thought I’d talk about the different ways we use this Brazilian oil in our family. It is product number 3431 Wholesale $39.75 Retail $52.30.
This oil contains the highest amount beta caryophyllene (55 percent) of any known essential oil. I’ve just recently been learning about what exactly this means from Anna since she’s becoming a certified aromatherapist. Beta Caryophyllene is an anti-inflammatory and great for pain. The reason I got this oil in the first place is because it is said to aid in digestion. I used it on tummys around here until I learned that you can pair it with another oil and it really enhances that oil, making it more potent. I started using it a lot in combination with Thieves throughout the winter, on everyone in the house, because it is essentially like using Thieves x3. It smells amazing, it isn’t a very powerful smell though – pretty mild. I use it all of the time it is just one of those really great oils for me. We’ve been using it on Shane’s inflamed shoulder in combination with PanAway, the Deep Relief Roller, Clove and others. I use it on my kiddos bellies if they have stomach aches. It is much less intense than Peppermint (no tingles). This oil can be taken internally as well, which I haven’t personally done, but you can. I’m sure there is so much more about that I’m not even touching on but that’s it in a nutshell.

Sorry I’m a bit late sending this message out this month. If you want some oils but don’t want to place your own order please let me know, I can get them on someone’s order for you, or mine by the 7th, I’m happy to add things all weekend.

Discussion Group will be on a Tuesday this month,  March 23rd, probably at Walking Stick Toys again but the location will be announced. Sorry we are bouncing around with dates on discussion group so much. We decided we’ll try and hold discussion group on the 3rd or 4th Thursday of the month, this month is an exception to the new rule.

Still rollin’ with the Deep Relief roller for free for hosting a party, so let me know if you’d like me to come and do a party for you and your friends you’ll get a deep relief roller and you’ll be able to share these amazing oils and have me talk your ears off.

As promised I said I’d have a contest in March – so here it is. To qualify you must be a member of my downline and have an Essential Rewards Autoship of 100PV (or more) for the month of March. If you have a qualifying autoship this month you will automatically be entered in the drawing. The drawing will take place on April Fool’s Day 2010.
The prize will be a bottle of Aroma Life – this oil is another oil I’ve been loving lately! It is a blend of Cypress, Helichrysum, Ylang Ylang and Marjoram. It is great for your heart and circulation and it just makes me feel really really good, so I want to share it with someone, maybe you’ll be that lucky someone?

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Kindergarten Bug

My Little Kindergartener

Simon came home from school hacking the other afternoon, it was a really dry cough that got progressively worse into the evening and night. His eyes started to look punky too – just like he wasn’t feeling good at all. He coughed ALL night long. I kept checking on him and had his humidifier going with some Eucalyptus Radiata in the medicine cup to disperse throughout the room. I put Frankincense in his diffuser and RC on his chest and back (where his lungs are), and Thieves on his feet. When he got up in the morning he wasn’t doing any better…I was worried he might even be worse. He hadn’t gotten a fever of any sort yet, so I was kind of hoping that might come to help burn whatever it was out of his system. He stayed home from school and we just relaxed all day. He told me he thought I’d better put some more oils on him if he was going to get better. Thanks Simon.

I didn’t use too many oils the next day but pumped him with Vitamin C and gave him a concoction my Dad used to make me when I was little and afflicted with the same bug and my Granny used to make it for him when he was little as well.

Orange Juice, Hot Water, Lemon Juice (I replaced this with Lemon Essential Oil), Honey and Lots of Love!

He willingly drank the first cup and then resisted the second time it came around. He was just feeling lousy I think. He was happy to eat his chocolate cake though. Who wouldn’t be though, right? I also made some chicken noodle soup from scratch with a whole lot of garlic in it! He ate some of that, but I truly believe even the aroma of chicken soup is healing. The little bit he ate was chock full of carrots, onions, celery and goodness so I’m sure it helped a bit.

Later in the afternoon we decided a hot bath might be a good thing, so we started the bath, he got in and was out within a minute standing at the toilet peeing and suddenly yelled out in pain. He doubled over and wasn’t even quite done peeing yet so it must have really hurt! He was complaining of a horrible pain in his side. I had Shane check on the internet to see what side your appendix was on – all the while thinking the last thing we need is to put this poor little guy under who can’t stop coughing that will be BAD! Luckily after a bit Simon had calmed down a bit. We did a little bit of pressure testing and I had him lay down in bed. He told me that when I rubbed his side it felt better, so I massaged some Di-Gize (in case it was gas) and Lavender in and it made him calm right down. I put some Thieves on his feet and RC on his back and chest again since I hadn’t been using oils all day. I also put some RC in his diffuser and turned his humidifier back on. We scrapped the bath and he took about an hour long nap.

On a completely unrelated note I put some Lavender on his finger because he has a couple of warts on his finger right now, and earlier in the day Shane put some Oregano and Lemon on those and covered them with a band-aid. Well apparently the band-aid got wet in the brief bath and was stinging a bit. Everything was happening at once for this poor little guy. So we put Lavender on it to take the sting away which worked immediately. We’ll worry about the warts later right? Sheesh. Enough is enough.

So I heard Simon cough after about an hour so I went and checked on him and he looked right at me and just said “Much Better” and fell right back to sleep. I checked his temp and he finally had a little bit of a fever only about 100 degrees…burn that sick out! So I let him sleep a little longer and made him some food and went and woke him up to eat, and he ate like a champ.
He’s a lot better today and really wanted to go to school but I told him we should probably hold off just one more day. He wasn’t happy about that and he’s been fighting with his brother all day, which always tells me he probably could have gone to school, but I’d rather be safe than sorry.

I love that this Kindergarten bug, that could have lasted a week, only lasted a day, I LOVE our oils!

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Dig This Chick hearts Mama Loves Oils

And Mama Loves Oils Definitely Hearts Dig This Chick!

My very dear friend has a little blurb on her blog today about Mama Loves Oils – she did a small interview for me and is using Young Living Essential Oils so if you want to check out the interview and see her sweet blog I can guarantee you’ll love it! She’s a Mama of two little girls, was born and raised in MT, and is a fantastic gardener, cook, seamstress and writer, among other things of course. Her blog is pretty magical and so is her life.

Thanks Nici!
Mama's Oils

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Cough, Cold and Lung Oils

My good friend, also a Young Living Distributor, wanted to share her most recent experience with us – a cold – a cough – two kiddos and some good stuff:

“I have been plagued with lung issues my whole life. When I was 2 I was hospitalized for 2 weeks with a severe case of pneumonia. Since then, I have struggled with asthma and other bronchial related issues. I started using oils when I was 15 and was able to completely come off of a rescue inhaler with the use of RC. I also stopped drinking cow’s milk. But then I lost my oil connection and when I started college again after the birth of my first daughter I began to have lung issues again.(stress and being around lots of people). Almost every semester I would get a cold and it would turn into Walking Pneumonia. An awful, super icky, nasty, sickness. Well that has changed… I found my oil connection again WHOOP WHOOP! So here’s the scoop… I can usually tell if I am going to get the nasty….So I start with RC and Balsam Fir all over my chest and neck pulse points ( as many times as I can at least 5 throughout the day), I also diffuse it as many times as my diffuser will allow! Then I take oregano and thieves internally (once a day). I also use peppermint and Sacred Mountain all through the day. I drink a ton of Lemon water as well. I still have the cold part, but no fever and the feeling of a million bricks on my chest! Oils are truly a blessing in my life, and never again will I lose my connection!”

Thanks for sharing Sarah!

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