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Tendonitis or Bursitis

Shane has a sore shoulder – and has for weeks. He seems to think it could possibly be Tendonitis or Bursitis (inflammation of a soft-tissue structure). We aren’t sure where it started but it doesn’t seem to be going away. There are a lot of treatments out there, but the main thing he read is that he needs to ice it and take Ibuprofen. This is the perfect time to use some anti-inflammatory oils. Wintergreen is a great anti-inflammatory. PanAway has Wintergreen in it and is an anti-inflammatory. Of course the Deep Relief Roller is a great option. Copiaba is another great oil. Of course icing is key…but using oils to bring the inflammation down is one method of healing we’ll use. I think – as usual – it is key to be consistent with applications.

We’ll hope he can sleep on that hurt shoulder again soon.

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Healthy Heart Oils

I decided in lieu of the ‘holiday’ (if you can call it that) I wanted to share a heart story! I got permission from the source, so thank you Jan for letting me share. We talked a lot before she went in about oils that might be good for her to have on hand so I asked around and gathered quite a bit of information. Anna was at convention at the time so she had access to all kinds of amazing information from doctors, specialists and upline oil users from over the years. So I put a bug in her ear and had her ask about what oils might be good for open heart surgery.  She was actually with someone that had direct experiences with what I was asking so she found some good info for me. Before Jan’s heart surgery she’d been using oils for several months. She’d used that HRT supplement that Young Living makes on and off as well as all kinds of detoxifying and oxygenating YLEOs. She really decided to use Thieves religiously before she went in to hopefully avoid contracting some sort of virus or bacterial infection in the hospital setting. The surgery went very well and Jan actually made a super speedy recovery. She was able to go home only three days after open heart surgery which is pretty unheard of. Hospital stays are usually at least 5 days after open heart surgery. She brought her diffuser with her to the hospital and the recovery nurses were very supportive. My sister told me she was diffusing Peppermint almost constantly. The nurses all wanted diffusers in the hospital all of the time after Jan was their patient. I think the Peppermint probably helped post-op with nausea.

Jan got home and used Thieves a couple of days later and she wanted me to mention that she was a bit sensitive to it. It was just a bit too intense to use so soon, some oils are stronger than others. She used a lot of Lavender on her scar and rash (often times the surgical tape used leaves irritated skin – in her case it was very irritated) and had fairly good results with that. We also made sure she was stocked up on Joy because often times after such a major surgery depression is fairly common, of course there are a wide array of oils that can be used for this…but Joy smells delicious. The other oils we made sure she had were Aroma Life (which is great for a healthy heart) and Ylang Ylang which regulates your heartbeat and is great for calming and tension and another wonderful emotional oil.  She had Helichrysum which is wonderful for healing, it supports the circulatory system, skin, liver and nervous system. Helichrysum is also great for scar tissue and has amazing restorative properties. We also made sure she had PanAway and the Deep Relief Roller as back pain is common after heart surgery and the spreading of the breastbone.

I’m sure there are plenty more that I’m forgetting but essential oils are a big part of Jan’s life and health and I wanted to share a little bit of her story on Heart Day.

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Potent Essential Oils

I wanted to post a follow-up in regards to a post a bit back on deodorant a fellow Young Living Distributor ended up having a bit of an issue with the oil she was using in addition to her Mountain Mint Deodorant. She was applying some Grapefruit oil and just discovered that it has actually been burning her underarms. She uses oils all of the time but wasn’t aware of just how potent this particular oil was on the sensitive skin under her arms. So, I guess what she’d like passed on is to make sure you are diluting your oils if they are too potent in particular areas. These oils are STRONG so use them cautiously. You can simply dilute your oils with V-6, olive oil or another edible oil.

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Essential Oils for Mama and Newborn

There is nothing in the world like a newborn and that time is the most precious time for bonding and there are some oils that can be used. Smells bring back such strong associations for humans…so why not link some of your essential oils to that special time.

One of my favorites is Gentle Baby. I still use it on my babies that are almost 3 and 5. I like to put it on them when I get home and maybe I wasn’t home to put them to bed that night. I go in and kiss them goodnight and rub some on their little feet. It is such a sweet smell for me, just brings me to a good space, and I like to use it with my kids so they get a comforting feeling from it. It is a blend that consists of Rosewood, Geranium, Palmarosa, Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, Lemon, Jasmine, Bergamot, and Rose. You can use this oil in combination with other oils and you can use this oil for many particular things. Diaper Rash is one (you should definitely dilute before applying to a rash), stretch marks is another, it is great for skin regeneration (try and use it everyday for the best results). It is a comforting, soothing and relaxing oil and great for bonding with your newest family member. It makes a great baby gift for baby and parent(s).

newborn simon

Lavender is another great oil to use with your new baby.

Colic: So I didn’t have my oils when I had a little baby with some colic 5+ years ago but I wish I had. I would just do some research on this subject as well. Since I’ve had such amazing results with Di-Gize I might really really dilute it and use some of that or put it on my baby’s feet if I was desperate. I am not recommending this but if you’re feeling comfortable with your oils then you can make the informed decision on your own. The magical potion called Gripe Water, that you can get at health food stores, I had some success with so that’s worth a shot. Some other essential oils that might work are Bergamot, Ginger, Roman Chamomile, Rosemary, and Ylang Ylang. I would dilute as I mentioned before or even mix with some V-6 and create a little massage oil. I did do lots of belly massaging with my little colicky fellow. You can make your own blend and just massage the belly in a clockwise direction (was what I was always told). Back massages may be beneficial as well to get things moving along the digestive tract. Warmth is also beneficial.

There are all kinds of oils you can use if your baby gets a cold or the flu or has respiratory difficulties but that I’ll save for a different day.

Milk Production Oils: Clary Sage (can help to bring your milk in), Fennel (for no more than 10 days) or Basil could help to increase production and Peppermint could decrease your production.

Postpartum Depression is a very serious condition so by all means talk to someone if this seems to be happening to you. The following oils maybe help to prevent the baby blues – Bergamot (is one of my favorites!), White Angelica is another oil that I use for anxiety and to make me happy all around and I love the effects. There are may other oils that could work really well – Valor is another one that would be awesome – I always say you should start everyday with Valor! Gentle Baby, Frankincense, Joy (is another great blend that smells delicious and really brings what it is called). Citrus oils are also very uplifting so Grapefruit, Orange, Tangerine, Lemon,  and Citrus Fresh could all be good candidates.

So the most important recommendation is to just be present and cherish every moment (even those hours in the middle of the night wide awake) you’ll never get the time back, so embrace it. I better go hang out with my kids instead of typing on this darn blog. Happy Baby!

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Joy for Winter

This time of year people might need a little Joy in their lives, so I decided that’d be my oil of the month. Winter starts to get long right about now, and most of us are pining for some sunshine. This oil is a great mood lifter. It is a blend of oils: Bergamot, Lemon, Palmarosa, Ylang Ylang, Mandarin, Rose, Geranium, Jasmine, Rosewood, Roman Chamomile. This oil is also great for this month since good ol’ Valentine’s Day is coming right up. – The Young Living Catalog says this fragrance “inspires romance and togetherness” heh. Just thought I ought to throw that tidbit in. I put it on whenever I need a little happy boost. It makes me feel good and the smell is pretty awesome. It would make a great perfume – just look at that list of oils in this blend. Yum! And it would make a great gift!
This oil is great for anxiety and depression. We actually were recommended to get it for my step mom for her to use after her open heart surgery (see a more detailed post about this on Valentine’s Day on This oil is a great self-love oil and just an all around positive emotional oil.
According to the Reference Guide for Essential Oils – when there is grief the adenoids and adrenal glands shut down and this oil opens these glands. This oil also instills confidence.
You can put this oil in your bath, rub over your heart, put on your ears, neck, heart chakras, and wrists (among other places).
Since it contains Lemon oil you’ll want to be mindful of the sun – avoid direct exposure for 12 hours after use.
You can pair this oil with Valor for a more heightened affect.
Joy comes in the Essential Seven Kit (Retail $91.78 Wholesale $69.75) and individually in a 15ml bottle it is $49.34 Retail $37.50 Wholesale.
I LOVE this oil!

Posted in Monthly Oils.

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Oils for Pregnancy

pregnant mama

The pregnant Mama can probably really benefit from using some essential oils during her pregnancy. So there are several oils I will talk about – as I mentioned the other day – you’ll want to be very careful with oils during pregnancy and there are some that you should steer clear of.

Here is a list of oils that you should AVOID during pregnancy: Basil, Calamus, Cassia, Cinnamon Bark, Hyssop, Idaho Tansy, Lavandin, Rosemary, Sage, Tarragon, Di-Gize, Dragon Time, Exodus II, Grounding and Mister. I would consider this list a good stand-by but other oils should be used with much caution, and again, this isn’t medical advice! I’m not a doctor (or even close!). There are many other oils that you should use with caution and since I look at the use of essential oils as a way to empower yourself to take some of your personal care into your own hands, I suggest you just do as much research as you can on the subject if you plan to use oils during your pregnancy, birth and with your babies and kiddos.

Now I’m going to contradict myself because I’ve heard of a lot of people using Di-Gize for morning sickness as well as Ginger and they’ve had a lot of success with it. I think the fact that these Young Living Oils are Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils is what you need to be careful of – they are very potent and powerful so with some dilution I think you can be a little bit more liberal. If morning sickness is an issue for you Peppermint may also be a great oil. This oil comes with the Everyday Oils Starter Kit and it is great for soooo many things.

I’ll just list Essential Oils that are generally thought to be safe for the pregnant Mama: Lavender, Peppermint, Roman Chamomile, Geranium, Tangerine, Grapefruit, Lemon, Orange, Rose, Frankincense, Marjoram, Cedarwood, Jasmine, Melaleuca alternafolia, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Thyme, Ylang Ylang, and Ginger.

Pregnant Mamas can use essential oils throughout their pregnancies. Diffusing and applying them topically is completely safe. I’ve heard recommendations that during the third trimester it is best to put them on the bottoms of your feet rather than right on your abdomen just in case an oil causes your baby to turn from vertex. If your baby is breech it could aid in turning your baby however. Dilution is great with V-6 or any edible oil.

Lavender can help you sleep more soundly, as this can be very challenging during pregnancy. Peppermint is great for constipation, nausea, headaches, etc. Lemon is good for virus fighting and immune system support. Frankincense is great for colds, flu, bacteria, viruses, etc.

Since it is important to be careful what you use it might be beneficial to look to essential oils as bug repellent options during pregnancy as well as substitute for other necessities when western medicines and/or over the counter products may be dangerous.

I could go on and on an on on this subject but I wanted to make it known that there are alternatives that are definitely worth researching, when I got pregnant for the first time I was quite the research junkie. I think that comes with the territory so I’ll just encourage all of your expectant parents to do the same thing and think about essential oils while searching.

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Free Oils!

This is for people that are in my downline as you’d fall under Anna’s downline as well, if you’d like to become a member of my downline and start using these amazing oils please contact me for details on how to do so or visit “Get Essential Oils” on my blog to get online instructions. I’m simply going to cut and paste the specifics about the awesome contest that Anna is having for us through the month of February!

Hello to my Young Living downline!

I hope that this message finds you healthy and well!
This month I thought it would be fun and exciting to do a little giveaway to ward off the winter time doldrums!

For the month of February I will be doing a drawing and one of you will be receiving a free Golden Touch kit! This is a great kit for this time of year, it is specifically designed to support the body during cold and flu season!
It contains 5ml bottles of the following:
thieves, rc, raven, di-gize, juvaflex, and endogize

Another lucky winner will receive a free bottle of Inner Defense which is a supplement similar to taking Thieves and oregano internally!

To qualify for this giveaway you must:
1. be a member of my Young Living downline
(if you are receiving this email you are)

2. Have an Essential Rewards Autoship of 100PV (or more) for the month of February

If you have a qualifying autoship this month you will automatically be entered in the drawing. The drawing will take place March 1st 2010, and I will notify the winners the next day.I wish you all good luck!!

Also don't forget that Young Living is giving away a free bottle of Helychrisum oil for all orders of 215 PV this month. Helychrisum is a precious oil and if you have not yet tried it I truly encourage you to take advantage of this offer. It is amazing for pain relief, chelates heavy metals and has many other qualities.

If you have any questions at all please feel free to contact me!

Anna Rummel

Posted in Day to Day.

Essential Oils for Birth/Labor

newborn baby

I’ll start off by saying that oils during pregnancy is an entirely different subject that I’ll talk about in the next couple of days. This isn’t medical advice – again – but the info I’ll share I’ve read or learned so I hope it is helpful. I’ve also found a lot of contradicting advice (some oils are said to be okay in some places and other places they are listed as oils to avoid!) so bear with me, I’m assuming some comments will come out of this post (and as always they are very welcomed).
So the list is incredibly long when this subject comes to mind – but the reason I’m going to focus on it birth/labor right now is that I was privileged enough to be a doula at a birth last Monday morning. I of course came to the birth, oils in hand, not knowing whether or not I’d be using them, but brought them along just in case. The Mama was to a pushing point when I arrived. I did use a little bit of Jasmine (can speed up contractions) on a cotton ball on her pillow because she’d requested in a previous meeting that she’d love her birth to be just a little bit more magical and she loves essential oils and was hoping for some yummy smells. So in my opinion that was the yummiest one that is actually great to use during birth. The nurse, that was in the room with us, almost immediately threw the cotton ball away, but she was ‘nice enough’ when it came to other things so I didn’t make a peep.
The last birth that I was oh so honored to be present for – I did use my oils – it was another hospital birth. I brought cotton balls along with me since sometimes Mamas in Labor aren’t into certain smells…that makes the smell easy to get rid of. We used a lot of Lavender at that birth – the Mama was really digging that smell and making great associations. We did use a bit of Jasmine when things progressed. The nurses were all really pleased with the smells in the room each time they came in. Many of the things I have read mentioned that Clary Sage is great for birth – but I didn’t have that at the time of the first doula experience. I do now but I didn’t use it with the Mama at Monday’s birth. All of these oils are good for the labor process and birthing but could be potentially dangerous for a pregnant Mama. Present Time is a good oil to help the Mama focus on giving birth. Into the Future could also be beneficial for birth – to help let go of fear and trauma. The tranquil roll-on is another oil that is great for releasing tension. Lavender, Orange, Cedarwood, and Roman Chamomile are all great for massaging on Mama. Lavender stimulates circulation and is calming and an antiseptic. Valor is another great oil for delivery to help align Mama’s hips and could also be used on baby after birth.  There are many great oils that can be diffused during labor/delivery, diffusing would be more effective than a cotton ball but not as easy to get rid of the smell quickly if Mama has an aversion. Maybe if you are the Mama and you plan to diffuse something while you are birthing you could do some research and figure out what you might like and would be most beneficial to you. A great oil for transition is Basil. I guess you’d probably need to have someone there that was really focusing on which oils to use or just educate your doula, provider, or partner on when to use which oils and for what purpose – that is of course if you wanted oils to be a part of the birthing process. Clary Sage can be used around the ankles to help with dilation. Dragon Time, Fennel and Sage are also great for your uterus.

For placenta retention Basil may be a good oil to use and for expulsion try Jasmine.

An anointing oil that can be put on the baby’s crown after birth is Frankincense. Gentle Baby is a sweet oil that can be used throughout pregnancy for Mama. It is great to use on stretch marks and could be used during birth as well. Of course you can use Gentle Baby after the birth as well…for bonding, etc. I’ll talk more about Gentle Baby in my post which will touch more on using oils with your baby.

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Dragon Time

This one is for the ladies. This oil is amazing for cramps, PMS, menopause, and other emotional needs – I’ve had it for quite some time, but just decided today (since it is working wonders) that I’d do a quick little snip about it. I try and use it, in combo with Valor, when I start to feel kind of ‘off my game’ or funky or grouchy (since that seems to be a sign of the onset of my cycle). I use it whenever I’m feeling a bit crampy too and it almost works immediately. This oil is a blend of Clary Sage, Fennel, Lavender, Marjoram, Yarrow, and Jasmine.
Clary Sage is another oil that I know a lot of women use for cramps and PMS, it has a high level of phytoestrogens. To learn more about phytoestrogens I just did a google search but there is a wiki page with info on it. I don’t really care for the smell of Clary Sage (personally) but the Dragon Time blend isn’t quite as intense as Clary Sage on its own so I use it when I need to. And it really works!
Plus – it comes in a pretty green bottle.

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Oils for Teething Tots

So my little niece is teething right now and my sister called me for some suggestions last night. I told her about something I’d done with Gussy when he was getting his toddler teeth and then started remembering a short list of oils that might help through the teething process. I used some diluted Clove oil (probably about 1 drop of Clove to 4 drops of olive oil (or V-6) or any edible oil that you are comfortable pairing with your essential oils. It kept a small diluted bottle of Clove beside Gussy’s bed and whenever he had trouble in the middle of the night I had easy access to it. Alice (my niece) Teething Alice let her Mama rub some of the mixture onto her buds and gums and Melissa said it seemed like she had relief almost instantly. They shared some Chamomile Tea and off to bed she went.
My sister looked in her book and found some other oils that would be good to use for teething. I know I used a lot of Roman Chamomile which is just an all around great oil for kiddos anyway – but it is a good soothing, calming oil. Some others that might work well are Peace & Calming (on the feet), German Chamomile, and Thieves is also listed (I’m assuming because of the Clove within). I wouldn’t hesitate to use Lavender either it is another great oil that can have a calming effect. I also made sure to have on hand some Hyland’s Teething Tablets. Oh and an amber teething necklace doesn’t hurt either. Gussy had one of those and amber helps your body secrete natural pain relievers that ease the pain of teething. Not to mention that Amber is just a very protective stone.
Amber Teething Necklace

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