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Hot Springs and Essential Oils

We just got back from a night in Hot Springs. Those healing waters are so special to us that Shane and I got married there almost 7 years ago. Anyway, the combo of our healing oils and the healing mineral waters always makes us feel like a million bucks – if we could just go back in time and silence the barking dogs in the room next to us.

Sleepy Oils

My konked out kiddos - Hot Springs and Essential Oils

Apparently my kids had no problem sleeping. A little Thieves on their feet and some Peace and Calming in the air – using our new Travel Diffuser and swimming in the springs for a bit and that was all it took. They fell asleep in seconds flat after their bedtime story. The dogs didn’t phase them one bit.
As for me I have been using a lot of Lemongrass and Purification per the results of Anna’s fancy Bio-Feedback device. Grapefruit Oil has also been in the mix in our family a lot these days – that was recommended when Shane did his Zyto Compass test. So we’re trying out the oils that were recommended to us and we’ll see if we notice an energy change in the next month or so. We’ll keep you posted. Happy Weekend!

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Old Shoulder Injury

Another shared story today! Thanks for sharing friends – keep them coming.

“I had some very good results with PanAway on my shoulder this weekend.
It hurts to lift my arm over my head – an old injury that flared up
after a full day of painting with a roller and also some intense floor
scrubbing (we are turning our garage into a heated work space). I
expected some help with the pain since I’ve used it before for stiff
necks but was surprised at how much more effective it was on this
particular deep muscle/joint pain. I had also tried Aleve but it didn’t
help at all.
I felt relief with the first application but repeated
it every 4 hours or so that day and then the next. I didn’t put it on
today for work because of the smell but will as soon as I go home and
put on an older shirt. I also use a protective glove to apply it so
that my fingers remain clear of the oil – something that is hard to get
off when you want to do some food prep! I can see where the roll-on
would help with that but would probably still want to massage the oil in
because it is so soothing. Anyway, I am going to keep dosing myself and
resting the shoulder and expect to be pain free soon.”

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Boil Fix with Essential Oil

Sounds a little bit worse than it is…but a sweet oil user told me it was okay to share this –
“I had a nasty boil on my ear from wearing the wrong earrings. Anyway, I
tried everything for several days … Neosporin and hot Epsom Salt
compresses! I had decided to go to the doctor today if it wasn’t better.. Last
night I rubbed Thieves Oil on the ear ~ straight. It smarted just a bit!
This morning the boil (that had been hard as a popcorn kernel and just about
as large! Really!!) was much softer and draining. Now, its 75% smaller,
and healing nicely! Great stuff, huh???”

There you have it. A first hand account from someone other than me. I love other people’s stories so please share them! I’ll put them on the blog and I get to learn from them!

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RC = Respiratory Care

I’m attempting to get back in the swing of things, it’s tough. I’ve decided to talk about RC this month and then make the bottom half of this email about upcoming events and parties. I also want this to serve as your reminder to update your autoship orders – all of you Essential Reward participants!

Okay now for the good stuff – R.C. is an oil blend that we LOVE at our house. It was one of the very first three oils I ever got and I never want to be without. It stands for Respiratory Care, and boy is it ever. It has a sister oil called Raven that is also really a wonderful oil in fighting respiratory infection.
RC is great for allergies, colds, bronchitis, respiratory congestion, flu, pneumonia, sinusitis, sore throat, and mucus.
It was an oil that I decided to get right off the bat because Simon got these horrible coughs – he had croup as a baby and it seemed after that there was no way of keeping him from getting that barky cough each time he got a cold. Well turns out there was a way – RC and Eucalyptus Radiata and Thieves always do it. We put these three oils on him all of the time when he’s coming down with a cold and avoid the seal cough completely sometimes (if we stay on top of oil applications). In fact we just had that experience over our holiday break. If you look on my blog you’ll see tons of references to RC. I put it on the chest and back where your lungs are. It does have a medicinal scent to it (smells like Vicks a bit). I’ve always heard to put Vicks on my the bottoms of my kiddos feet to draw out a cold but now I just use RC (no more Vicks at our house).
The reason for the medicinal smell will make sense after I list the oils in this blend – Eucalyptus (E. globulus), Myrtle (a decongestant), Pine (helps open respiratory system), Marjoram (relaxing), Eucalyptus Radiata, Eucalyptus Citriodora, Lavender, Cypress (anti infectious), Tsuga, and Peppermint. Quite the blend.
I’ve had a history of some rough coughs as well so I use this for myself whenever I get a cold too. Especially if that cold turns to a cough. When I can’t stop coughing and am not getting any sleep I put RC in my hands and just breathe myself to sleep. I cup my face and just constantly breathe it until I finally get some relief. It is a wonderful oil to diffuse. I like to put it in the humidifyer as well. I also use it a lot for sinus issues – I put it right on my face where my sinuses are (just be mindful of your eyes and the potency of the oil) and it seems to really help clear my sinuses.
It is great to steam yourself with also. I put it in a sink full of hot water and cover my head with a towel and inhale the steam. It clears me right up.
My good friend Syd and I were researching at one point what might be good for cold sores and RC is – the list goes on!
I use this oil for my kids but like every oil you should definitely try it on yourself first and then dilution isn’t a bad idea if the potency worries you.
Oh and one last thing I love to combine RC with is the Breathe Again Roller! Ahh. I’m using these things like crazy today – this cold will not get me! I hope!
RC is $19.75 wholesale and $25.99 retail.
Breathe Again Roller $19.75 wholesale and $25.99 retail.

Oh and as always you can intensify your oils by pairing them with Copaiba!

Discussion Group Start-Up: When Julie was here for her last visit she suggested that we do some product reviews – so we were thinking that if you’d like to try some new things maybe you could volunteer to be the guinea pig for specific products (of your choice) and after trying them for the month you can report back to us in discussion group so we can share feedback with other oil users. It’d be nice to have feedback on products first hand and who better to try them then us! So we were thinking the date for the first discussion group of 2010 would be Thursday January 14th. We’d love to see you there if you can make it and if you wouldn’t mind RSVPing – so we have an approx. head count that would be great. If you have some products you’d like to call dibs on please also let me know – I’ll start a list. Also just to forewarn you I’ll be posting your review on my blog (if that’s okay with you). P.S. Anna already called dibs on Juniper. And the group will meet at Walking Stick Toys/Nature Boy like usual.

Happy New Year!

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Oils for Sore Muscles

With the new year upon us I’m sure many of you are busting out your workout clothes and running shoes – they might be a bit dusty – mine are. We’ve started our new routine and we’ve got some sore muscles around our house – so last night after my workout I got out the oils. Not to mention that I’m feeling a bit of a cold coming on – so I’m going to nip that right now before it settles in. So I loaded up on some Relieve It which is a pretty awesome blend that is used for sore muscles. Before my workout yesterday also I put some Peppermint Oil on my neck just to keep me cool and extra energized. Peppermint would be a great oil to diffuse while you exercise too.
In lieu of the cold, that is on the brink, I’ve been using lots of Thieves and taking Inner Defense in addition to Vitamin D-3, and drinking a bunch of Emergen-C. I’m not letting it happen! But I know it is from a serious lack of sleep – so I guess getting back into our old routine isn’t all bad.
Shane also pulled something in his shoulder or maybe pinched a nerve so he’s been using a lot of PanAway and Relieve It and the Deep Relief Roller to get some relief. I’ve been loading the kids up with Thieves at night too just to keep that cold away. The Thieves in addition to Peace and Calming and Lavender last night to ensure a good sleep before ‘back to school day’.
Simon got a bit of a cold over the break (or I guess I would just call it a runny nose) but we used R.C., Eucalyptus Radiata and Thieves and it was completely gone in three days – NO Coughing either which is always the worst part of his colds.
Back to the muscles – we use PanAway, Deep Relief Roller, Relieve It and Peppermint around here.
Oooh and I got the monthly special last month and it happened to be a blend called Believe and I love it! So we’ve been using a lot of that around here too. Smellin’ good and Feelin’ good.
Monthly Oil Email coming sometime today! It’ll be about R.C.!
Happy Happy New Year!

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Deodorant Tip

So I have a friend that also happens to be a Young Living Distributor and she wanted me to share her deodorant tip with all of you followers.
“I have been using grapefruit oil along with the mint deodorant as a combo for deodorant and it is really working! I have never had good luck with natural deodorants but so far I think I smell pretty good. Feel free to pass that along to anyone who is interested. I think the deodorant alone is fine, but I like putting the grapefruit oil on – love that smell.”
So just one more reason why you ought to have some Grapefruit Oil – it is definitely one of this Mama’s Favs also! Happy Holidays! Watch for the monthly oil post for January – coming in the next several days! Still debating which oil to focus on – any suggestions are welcome.
Grapefruit Oil – $19.74 retail and $15.00 wholesale.
Mountain Mint Deodorant – $12.83 retail and $9.75 wholesale.

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Upset Belly

Happy Holidays! Whew it has been awhile. Mama woke up yesterday morning with a super stiff neck again – I think we need a new bed. I can barely turn my head even a full day later so I’m using Relieve It, the Deep Relief Roller, and PanAway like mad.
Now for the subject of this post – We had a little stomach bug living in our house it wasn’t too serious – although I guess August got it kind of bad. He threw up for about 24 hours on and off…but when we’d bust out the Di-Gize he would want to eat and could sleep peacefully. I diffused a lot of Peppermint in his bedroom also and put Thieves and Grapefruit Oil all over him and myself. I’ve heard that Grapefruit is great for killing stomach bugs. I also started drinking Lemon Oil in my water and drinking Emergen-C to avoid getting the bug myself. When Simon woke up feeling yucky a week later I thought for sure we were in for it again, but somehow we avoided it. I think the oils definitely played a big role. He was sitting on his bedroom floor not able to even get dressed he was feeling so lousy so we moved to the step stool in front of the toilet for a while. He had a watery mouth, would get sweaty then cold, and hung his little head over the toilet bowl for about 1/2 hour. He wanted to eat and go to school because it was the day of his Holiday Program and he wanted to show us his stuff…so Mama busted out the remedies. I gave him a tube of Oscillococcinum for kids (my kids call it the “ball medicine”) and then put a couple of drops of Di-Gize on his belly. He was better and eating – no joke – in about 20 minutes. He ate two meals and we headed to his program at lunchtime. I ended up putting some Thieves on him and Frankincense (of course) for the day and into the next day and he has been completely normal – fighting with Gus and has a healthy appetite.
So I’m certain we’ll all be healthy after the hustle and bustle and we’re all looking forward to Christmas Eve when our big break begins. I’m not sure there will be more posts before Christmas/New Year’s so I hope you all have a Happy Christmas and I’m hoping for a peaceful nation/world in 2010. Enjoy your oils!
I just got the Stress Away Roller and it RULES!

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Achey Shoulder Yipes!

So this morning I woke up after sleeping “wrong” – whatever that means – that has always sounded so strange to me – how does one sleep wrong? I guess I did. So – underneath my right shoulder blade I’ve got some pain that shoots up into my neck. So I figured it would be the perfect opportunity for me to talk about how amazing the Deep Relief Roller is! I mean there are a lot of things I might use for this situation – Some other suggestions: Valor first, PanAway, any Fir – Balsam Fir is one of my favs (smells delicious), but the Deep Relief Roller takes the cake for me. I’ll probably be applying it all day – the perks – I’ll smell great and my shoulder blade will feel better. Nice and tingly.

You can get this roller in a three pack of amazingness right now – comes with Breathe Again and Stress Away (a trio of goodies for this time of year).  Ahhh. It’s on my order! $57.95 wholesale.

As always let me know if you need the hookups! Happy Thursday!

Coupon Code A458SAVE5 Saves You 5% at Checkout!

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Di-Gize December

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, the holidays are super upon us around here. Since I have a little toy store in addition to my oil love – updates may be few and far between this month. is my toy store (just a little plug, heh)
The winner of the diffusing contest is Anna – I just drew the name out of a hat! Congratulations! And thank you everyone for your awesome suggestions. As a result of them – I’ve been diffusing a lot more Cedarwood around here. I like to combine it with Orange. I’ve also been diffusing Frankincense like crazy. Be sure to read the comment section to see the other suggestions if you are interested. There is a pretty great suggestion for oils to use during childbirth.

Since we’ve made it through the Start Living with Everyday Oils Kit I’ve decided to just slowly start choosing some of my favorites to share information about. This month it was a toss up between RC and Di-Gize. RC is actually on special this month if you spend 215PV or more – so keep that in mind when placing your holiday orders – you actually also get a free travel diffuser! It isn’t ever a bad idea to ask around and find out if your friends want/need some oils before you place your order. I always charge retail prices to those ordering that aren’t distributors yet…so please make sure you do that if you are ordering for someone else. Adding a bottle here and there for other people though is how I very easily meet my Essential Rewards Autoship minimum every month.  Even if you aren’t doing Essential Rewards though – if you are signed up as a distributor you can order anytime! And if you’d just like to place an order as a customer either call me or create an account for yourself. You can just use 1011092 as your sponsor and enroller ID.

Now really – Di-Gize. This blend is made up of Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Fennel, Lemongrass, Anise and Patchouli. Each of these individual oils has so many amazing properties – so I’ll touch briefly on those before I move onto the ways I use Di-Gize personally with myself and my family. Tarragon – is an antiseptic and great for UTIs and intestinal parasites. It prevents fermentation, is an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and is anti-infectious. Ginger – is amazing for nausea (as many of you mamas know). It is also an anti-spasmodic, antiseptic and good for indigestion. Peppermint – I could go on and on for hours about this one (check the peppermint post for tons of info). Juniper – great for kidneys and detoxifying and cleansing. Fennel – Antiseptic, great for gastrointestinal system, antispasmodic, antiseptic. Great for flatulence and nausea. This oil in the blend prevents fermentation (like Ginger and Tarragon do). Lemongrass – It is an antifungal, anti-inflammatory and improves digestion. Anise – antispasmodic, antiseptic, stimulates and increases bile flow, it combats spastic colitis, indigestion and intestinal pain. Finally Patchouli – it is a digestive aid and combats nausea. It reduces fluid retention and is antimicrobial and an anti-inflammatory.

So that’s the breakdown of what the oil consists of – here is how we use it at our house. I use it often! I put it directly on my stomach and within ten minutes my stomach ache is gone! Seriously! It blows my mind every single time. I use it on my kids too, if they are having any sort of stomach issues and it works really well for them too. I put it directly on their stomachs, but like always, I recommend you definitely use it on yourself first because it is pretty powerful. It can be ingested (I’ve never had to take it to that level before) applying it topically always does the trick for me. You can actually get empty capsules to fill so you don’t have to taste it going down (just burp it up later heh). When using it with my kiddos I used to dilute it a bit. When Anna (my goddaughter) was here this past summer she used it and needed to dilute it the first time. She put it on her stomach and it felt a little bit too intense so she simply rubbed a bit of olive oil on her belly a few minutes later to dilute it (when you dilute – the effects are pretty instantaneous). We use it around our house for diarrhea and constipation. I use it when I’m hung over – and it totally helps. Any sour stomach situation and even if I eat a little bit too much food I put some on to aid with digestion…and it makes me feel better. It is just one of those oils for me that works so well I want everyone to try it. It is great for heartburn. It can combat candida and parasite infestation (ew). A drop on the foot (diluted) for a baby with colic is said to work wonders. My kids actually ask for Di-Gize now if they have belly aches.

Sometimes if I’m feeling like the oil isn’t working as quickly as I’d like for it to – I’ll eat a drop of Peppermint oil in addition to the Di-Gize application on my belly.

So – these are some of the ways I like to use this oil. Wholesale: $32.00  Retail: $42.11

If you are interested in getting anything this month please contact me on or before the 7th at midnight that is when my order processes. If you want to set yourself up to get anything – don’t forget oils make awesome gifts – please email me!

Be well and Happy Holidays!

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By Mama December 2, 2009

Diffusing Suggestions Contest!

So I thought I would just post a little suggestion for diffusing and then ask for you to comment and give me some of your favorite concoctions. Whomever decides to submit comments will be entered in a drawing for a free Lemon Essential Oil! Lemon is delicious to ingest, diffuse and apply topically. In fact it is one of my favorites to diffuse and it smells delicious alone or mixed with Lavender as well as many others. I’ve been diffusing a lot Lemongrass and Geranium around my house to kill airborne bacteria and keep our house a little bit healthier. Geranium is a wonderful oil to have on hand for kids, and it is an amazing bacteria blaster. I’ve also been doing a lot of Pine mixed with Clove…but I need more ideas, so please share your favs! They can be antibacterial ideas or just smell good ideas, whatever you got!

I also wanted to talk briefly about diffusing and why it is beneficial! It is essentially the same thing as putting oils in your nose and lungs and it can benefit everyone in the room. Your Young Living oils should be cold diffused, not burned. If you heat your oils in an oil burner, you’ll still get to smell them, but by heating the oil you are changing the chemical compound which causes you to lose the therapeutic qualities these oils have to offer. So it is best to diffuse using an ultrasonic diffuser or a nebulizing diffuser if you decide to purchase one from here be sure to use coupon code A458SAVE5 to save 5% off your order. Or, when you sign up as a Young Living distributor you get a coupon for 50% off of a diffuser, which is a pretty amazing deal that you should definitely take advantage of. The coupon is only valid for 60 days after you sign up, so make sure you use it (bonus- you 2 more free oils when your diffuser arrives).

So back to the contest, simply leave a comment with your diffusing suggestions and the drawing will be held the day after Thanksgiving. If you are having difficulty leaving a comment simply send me an email.

Coupon Code A458SAVE5 Saves You 5% at Checkout!

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By Mama November 15, 2009