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Lemon Oil Testimonial

So, I have a pretty amazing story to share. My good friend Juli called to share a story about her grandmother-in-law. She is 98 years old and as of late her health was really beginning to fail. She wasn’t able to keep anything down and hadn’t actually really eaten in about two weeks. She currently has hospice care and they believed her liver/kidneys were probably failing due to some medication poisoning. The hospice nurse had some essential oil experience so my friend Juli and her mother-in-law mentioned they had some oils. The nurse thought that she needed some lemon juice, so they ended up using the Young Living Lemon Oil and just dropped some in her water glass. She really took to the lemon water and started craving it. She wouldn’t drink water that didn’t have lemon oil in it. Her system was still failing but she kept asking for more lemon water and they simultaneously ended up removing her from all medications. After a couple of days of cleansing with lemon oil she asked for some pear juice. And, remarkably, by that evening she was drinking a beer. She had a couple glasses of milk and then the next morning two eggs.
The hospice nurse fully believes the lemon oil cleansed her system, maybe she had a virus in her stomach? Maybe she just needed a cleanse? Whatever it was, after drinking lemon oil for a couple of days she was healed enough to want to feed her body again.
Keep the stories coming!

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PanAway = Pain Away

I hope this is finding all of you well during our early cold/flu season! I think we are on the final oil that comes in the Everyday Oils Starter Kit – finally. I guess it has been nine months of emails. Hopefully you aren’t getting tired of me, heh. If you are, please always let me know and I’ll take you off the list, no hard feelings! If you’d like to access the previous emails – that discuss the other 8 oils that come in the starter kit, you can do so here: and I hope you’ll find all kinds of useful information on this blog as time goes by. I’ll keep posting helpful info and ways that we use our oils at my house as well as ideas from friends and other oil users.
Back to PanAway! This oil is pretty incredible, it is one that you can feel the affects of within minutes of using it. It is an oil blend, and it should be used on areas where you feel pain or have inflammation. It contains Wintergreen, Peppermint, Helichrysum, and Clove oils. One of my favorite ways to use this oil is in combination with the Deep Relief roller. Ahh. Talk about relief. So the ways we’ve used this in our house are:
-Simon has growing pains that wake him up in the middle of the night. I like to dilute it a little bit when I put it on my kids, so I use a little bit of V-6 and mix it with PanAway and rub it on his achy leg (it is usually just one leg at a time that is bothering him). It calms him down almost immediately. It always seems to be the middle of the night when this occurs, so I keep it handy.
-PanAway has worked wonders on Shane’s back and mine. I threw my back out earlier this year for the first time ever and it was one of the worst things ever, which I’m sure many of you know if you’ve had similar complications. I have a new appreciation for how debilitating that can be now. Anyway, after applying Valor to the afflicted area, I rubbed PanAway on and then a lot of times would apply a damp towel and a heating pad on top. The heat and moisture help to drive the oil into your system more effectively. Since it is also an anti-inflammatory it helped with swelling as well. I put the Deep Relief roller on top often when doing this combo as well. Shane has had back problems for years and even had surgery about 10 years ago, so we use these oils on him much more frequently than me. His back flairs up from time to time and he asks for all of these things now.
-PanAway is amazing for headaches as well, you can rub it on your temples and/or pair it with Peppermint and rub both on your temples – just don’t get them too close to your eyeballs. I like to lay down for a bit with my eyes closed while the oils work their magic.
-It is a great tool for achy muscles after a hike or workout. If you have muscle strains or pulled muscles you should use this oil!
-I have neck and shoulder pain a lot and use it to ease that pain as well.
-I have a good friend that has horrible jaw pain too and she uses PanAway and Valor on her jaw.
-It is great for bruises and cramps as well.
-PanAway will actually stimulate quicker healing by the induction of oxygen into the tissue site.
-It is great for Arthritis, Rheumatism and it promotes healthy circulation.
-Great for bone pain too – which I guess is what growing pains essential are, in Simon’s circumstance for example.
This is an amazing oil for pain relief and if you try it even once I think you’ll agree!

I have more books in stock $20 each if you need one or know someone that does – they make great gifts! 🙂
Speaking of gifts – we’ve got some special stuff going on this weekend. Julie will be coming for a visit again so we’re having a spa night in addition to a gift idea night (where we’ll even be making some oil related gifts) – so if you are interested at all, please let me know as soon as possible, if you didn’t get the information from Anna, I can forward it on to you. Just let me know sometime in the next couple of days if you are interested in one/both of these events – (gift ideas or spa night). The gift ideas are a great inexpensive way to make a lot of things at once with your oils. Plus who doesn’t like bath salts/bombs right?

Finally my order goes through on the 7th if you’d like me to add something to my order for you. If you need/want more information on anything please let me know and don’t forget about my blog, you can share it with others – – lots of info (too much probably).
Oh and one more thing if you place an order of 225PV or more this month you get a free 15ml bottle of Frankincense! Yum!

Be healthy and stay warm as we move into the chill…and holiday season. Oh and don’t forget oils make amazing gifts! Let me know if you need anything or have any questions!

Coupon Code A458SAVE5 Saves You 5% at Checkout!

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Continuing Toward Wellness!

Well we still aren’t 100% over here.  I can hear out of my ear again though, ahhh! Shane and I both have wicked coughs…so we again…I confess haven’t been very diligent with the oils. I don’t know why it is that when a Mama is sick she doesn’t focus on getting herself well, it makes life a lot easier when Mama is healthy, so with a sick Mama and Papa we’re in trouble. At least our sick isn’t the kind where you must lie in bed.

Tonight I have the diffusers going in the boys’ bedrooms filled with Clove and Pine and Thieves on their feet, in an attempt to keep them well, since they both are right now. Although I did want to mention that Gussy had a little bit of a sour stomach a week ago or so. He woke up screaming in the middle of the night and was having horrible gas pains (I think) so I ran for the Di-Gize and Lavender and Peppermint and with that combo (and some Peace & Calming on his bitty feet) he was all fixed up. I put Di-Gize right on his belly a few times over the course of about an hour and he didn’t wake up again until morning and he was hungry when he woke up, so I know it wasn’t a bug…I’m pretty sure it was just gas. Poor little guy. It never ceases to amaze me how well Di-Gize works!

So back to my healing attempts with our colds, I can hear Shane hacking up a lung as I’m typing. So we’ve been drinking tons and tons of clear liquids and taking all kinds of supplements now. Lots of Vitamin D-3, Fish Oil and this Sinus and Respiratory capsule made by New Chapter…it has a lot of different essential oils in it. Oil of Melissa and Oregano are two that I can think of off the top of my head. It was recommended by a friend and so far I believe it is working well as I’m pretty sure my sinus infection action was headed back. As for oils…we’re using lots of Eucalyptus Radiata still, R.C. of course and then I’ve added Grapefruit into the mix. I just recently learned from another good friend that massaging Grapefruit oil on your lymph nodes can increase your white blood cell count – give you a bit of an immune boost, so we’re using that right now too. We’re also using some Thieves and taking Inner Defense capsules and applying tons and tons of Oregano. I had an oil party on Wednesday at Sarah’s house so I got some good doses of all of my oils again, it is nice to sit down and just put a whole bunch on, in fact that’s my plan before bed. At parties we tend to just go through the Start Living with Everyday Oils kit which includes the following oils : Frankincense (which I’m completely out of right now and missing like crazy), Valor, Purification, Peace & Calming, Thieves, Lemon, Peppermint, Lavender and PanAway. So it was probably helpful to do some detoxing by layering all of those oils at the party. I just need some good sleep and I’m thinking only a few more days to get rid of this crud.

And I just realized my entry is getting insanely long so I’ll log off for now. I’ll post something else new this week and watch for the Monthly entry as well, if you aren’t on my email list. Happy Halloween!

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The Road to Wellness

We’ve still got a family of sickies over here. August has a fever now (my 2.5 year old) so I’ve been using a lot of Frankincense on him to ease his little aches and pains.
I tried a trick last night that I heard might work on my ear. It has been plugged up for over a week, making it hard to hear and just overall really frustrating. I’ve been using Melrose like crazy on my neck, but last night I tried some Peppermint all around my ear – and the put a drop on a cotton ball and put it just on the inside of my ear. It felt cool and tingly all night long but so far I’m not noticing a huge difference. I’m tired of not being able to taste my food and not being able to hear from my right ear. I feel a lot better – yesterday was the first day I felt like I had a normal amount of energy in quite a while. I have to admit I took a little break from my oils and I’m also definitely not as good at applying them to myself as I am to my kids. I also came to the conclusion that they probably needed to get sick too, so I haven’t been as anal as I usually am. Simon is completely well today, just an occasional lingering cough. He went to school this morning though. So it’ll just be Gussy and I – the sad sacks that we are – chilling out today at the store. Gus will watch movies in the office by the diffuser and I’ll be unpacking a whole mess of new toys just hoping my ear clears (feeling much better at least). I still have clogged sinuses for sure, so I’m guess it is an infection, but I have no pain and no fever, so I’ll probably just do a round of Eucalyptus on my face later and I like to put R.C. under my nostrils…and of course we’ll be using Thieves (even after our brief break from it) and if Gussy’s fever persists I’ll use Peppermint on his little feet to pull it out (which I’ve had success with numerous times). Wish us well, we need some get better vibes at our house. heh.

Oh one more good trick. I’ve had a bit of a cough as well, so I like to put R.C. on my hands and chest and then cup my face with my hands while I fall asleep, if my cough wakes me up in the night. It is sure-fire way to make me feel better. And it never hurts to put a little Peace & Calming on my feet to drift back to sleep more easily, especially after I felt Mister August last night and realized he had a fever again. I tend to worry and keep myself awake longer than I need to be.

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Review: Essential Oils Presentation Case and Portfolio 16

This is a smaller version of the oil case that I love.  Essential Oils Presentation Case and Portfolio 16 As you can see this particular case will hold 16 oils…whereas the bigger version I posted a short review for several days ago will hold up to 64 oils.

This case will hold 5 ml bottles and 15ml bottles and even your roll-ons.

The elastic bands that hold the oils can be placed above the names on the labels so you can easily see which oil you might be looking for.

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Winter Wellness

If you are feeling like you don’t know where to start…read on…
So I figured in lieu of the freezing cold weather in Missoula, and the fact that I have a wicked cold right now (because I ran out of Thieves and Inner Defense) I’d send an email to all of you about oils that you might want for your toolkit this winter. If you do Essential Rewards you could start adding a couple of these oils to your order each month throughout the winter to build up your kit, and if you don’t do the Essential Rewards program, it might be a perfect time to start – then you can get these oils for yourself and if you aren’t happy with the program you can cancel in two months and cash in your points for something free! Might as well get something for nothing while you’re filling your medicine cabinet, right?
We are still planning to hold a wellness class, but a lot of you don’t live here and for the rest of you, I don’t want you wondering what you should put on your Essential Rewards order.
Okay let’s get started…
The oils listed below are just the oils that I have in my medicine cabinet at all times, but by no means the only oils that work for these particular things.
*Thieves *- of course is a total must! If you can’t remember why please visit my blog again. I could go on and on and on for hours about how much everyone on earth needs Thieves! is my blog. If you search under the “Monthly Oils” section you’ll see Thieves there. This is a must to protect yourselves from the flu (even H1N1)!
*Copaiba *– This is the amplifier of all amplifiers, it makes your Thieves stronger, it makes your Peppermint stronger, it makes every oil it is paired with more potent.
*Oregano* – Anti-viral and great to use on the days that you aren’t using Thieves…or just an all around great oil for colds and viruses. I like to put some V-6 along the spine and then use oregano. It aids in killing viruses that like to live along your spinal column.
*Inner Defense* – Thieves in a capsule…for adults! But I take it everytime I feel something coming on and it always goes away!
*Melrose* – Amazing for ear infections. I’ve been rubbing it on my neck constantly to fight a possible ear infection that is making its way into my head. I use this on my kiddos necks also. Just rub along the area where the eustachian tube is.
*Eucalyptus (Radiata) *- Doesn’t necessarily have to be your Eucalyptus pick – there are many options – this is just the one that is kid friendly and I like it to, so it’s a great option. I put this in our steam humidifier (the place designated for oil not mixed in the water). I also rub all over my chest and my kiddos chests and it is a great oil to diffuse!
*R.C*. is a must have! It stands for Respiratory Care. It is the best respiratory care around if you ask me. I rub it all over my kiddos. I have a good friend that likes to put it right beside each nostril when she has sinus stuff going on. I’ve been using it like a mad woman the past couple of days! It is the best for Simon’s seal cough that he gets each time he gets sick. Any cough at all needs some RC!
*Exodus II* – which I don’t have but it is a super bug buster also! I can’t ever seem to get it on my order, but it will definitely be on my next order.
*Peppermint* – is amazing for congestion as well. Stuffy nose and diffuse this in a room and it will totally help. With my kiddos when they wake up at night as they are coming down with a new cold, I start diffusing this and they don’t wake up again…if it is just a case of the sniffles that is. This oil is also amazing for nausea! Just a few drops on the pillow helps with nausea…and I like to rub it right on bellies when they are upset.
*Di-Gize* – is another amazing oil for your belly. I put it right on my stomach and use it on my kids as well. It is great for diarrhea and nausea. This is an oil I use a lot of. If I eat something weird or if we’re feeling buggy we rub some Di-Gize on our bellies and about 10 minutes later we’re all fixed up.

So that’s a start, of course there are tons more but I thought a little start wouldn’t be a bad idea. Most of these oils are outside of the starter kit besides Peppermint and Thieves that is…so you can see why if you plan to fill your medicine cabinet, Essential Rewards is a good idea for you! At least for a couple of months anyway. Plus you’re probably running out of the everyday oils frequently enough that you’ll probably want to refill those.

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Review: Essential Oils Presentation Case and Portfolio 64

This is what I use for my oils and I love it! It’ll hold 5 ml bottles and 15ml bottles and even your roll-ons.  Essential Oils Presentation Case and Portfolio 64

The elastic bands that hold the oils can be placed above the names on the labels so you can easily see which oil you might be looking for.  You can see mine in the teeny tiny picture on my homepage.

Mine isn’t quite full but it is getting there! Oh Oils!

Essential Oils Presentation Case and Portfolio 64

Essential Oils Presentation Case and Portfolio 64

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Seal Cough Heal

So Simon woke up two nights ago with this horrible seal cough that he seems to contract with every cold that breaks its way into his tiny little body. This time the oils tackled it immediately. I was pretty sure that Tuesday would be a day off of school for him, and that a big bad cold was coming. When he found me super upset and said “I have a seal cough.” I busted out the humidifier (steam) and filled the little pot with Eucalyptus Radiata. I covered his chest and back, where his lungs are, with R.C. (stands for Respiratory Care – another oil I’ll never run out of) and put Copiaba and Thieves on his feet. I couldn’t tell if he was achy but he wasn’t feverish, so I figured this was my best bet. He had some Clove and Pine going in his diffuser again for the second night in a row. I also put a little bit of Frankincense on his little feet because of its oxygenating powers. He woke up about 15 minutes later than he usually does in the morning and was chipper and happy. He had a little bit of Emergen-C, no cough, no runny nose, nothin’! He was just fine. He’s definitely fighting a cold right now, it hasn’t busted its way through, so I’m trying to be really good about putting Thieves and Copiaba on him every chance I get. He’s at school again today and in good spirits. Usually his spirits are the first to drop when he’s coming down with something.

Mama on the other hand has been battling a stupid lingering something or other, so I’ve been pretty anal about keeping the boys oiled up really well. I’m slathering myself in Thieves and even brought a diffuser to the store with me today to try and help with the congestion. I have something crazy going on in my sinuses, so I’ve been trying to make sure to put Thieves on a lot to get rid of the possible infection and Oregano is another amazing tool at our house. I like to put mix it with V-6 and put it along our spines – kids, Shane and myself. We do the whole Raindrop Therapy if we have time – well a quick version where we just use the oils and some V-6, but it seems to help kill viruses – since they like to live along your spinal column. Okay I’ll save more for another day. Watch for a post on a great oil carrying case! Coming next!

Stay Healthy! We’re trying to!

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Essential Oil Blog

Okay so here it is…my attempt at blogging. I didn’t do anything spectacular today, oil-wise, but we had an amazing fall day relaxing.

Gussy drifted off to sleep with a combo of Grapefruit Oil and Lavender Oil in his diffuser and a drop or two of Copiaba and Thieves on each foot. We learned recently that it is great to pair these oils because Copaiba acts as an amplifier when used with another oil. So I’m actually putting Thieves x3 on his feet when I pair them up.

Simon had some Pine and Clove in his diffuser and the same combo as his little brother on his feet.

I’ve been fighting off something, so with a little sore throat I’ve been putting Thieves on my neck all day and occasionally spraying some of the Thieves spray into my throat. I’m out of Inner Defense right now so I’ve got to try and use other methods. I put a little bit of Melrose on my neck today today (which is great for fighting off infection) and I did something that was recommended to me by Anna after she got back from convention and in my Ningxia Red a few mornings ago I put a drop of Clove, Lemon and Orange oil and it really seemed to help me feel better, since I was also out of Thieves then…no wonder I’m not 100%. I always said I wouldn’t run out of Thieves…whoops.

A little Peace & Calming and I’m off to sleep!

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Frankincense – October

Ahh, how do I count the ways I love thee?
This oil is pretty much one of the most amazing oils that come in the Everyday Oils Starter Kit and pretty much one of the most amazing oils that you can possibly find. It is an ancient oil, a holy oil, and an anointing oil. This oil deepens your breathing and is a very oxygenating oil (as they all are). This is an oil that I use when I’m not sure what oil I should use for something. When in doubt, use Frankincense.
I use this oil with my kiddos – I like to put this information out right off the bat because I think it helps set people’s minds at ease about using the oils on themselves. Of course with any of the oils I always recommend you try them on yourself before you use them on your children, just so you know what you are dealing with, but this oil has been amazing when used on Simon and Gussy. Dilution is also always an option – so make sure you just patch test an area before you rub it all over yourself or your kids without diluting it.
I use it for aches and pains. Whenever someone is feverish or achy I go for this oil. I like to put it on the back of my neck and on my chest (same for kiddos). Diffusing this oil is great in situations like this as well, but I would recommend using oils to treat each symptom that you are having.
Use it for colds, coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia and other respiratory problems.
This oil can help strengthen your immune system.
Frankincense is a good oil to use for birth and death. I used this oil on my grandfather when he was dying, I put it on his feet. He liked to have his feet rubbed anyway at that point and it is also a great oil for Parkinson’s Disease which is one of the things he died from.
This oil is anti-tumoral so it has actual cancer fighting properties.
It is an amazing oil to use on sun damaged skin and melanoma spots. It is just an all around amazing oil for skin – you can put it right on blemishes or problem areas. You should try to get into a routine of using it pretty regularly to see results, and remember just a dab will do ya, these oils are very pure and potent. Also please note this isn’t a skin care regiment, you’ll probably want to find a good safe cleanser or moisturizer to use in collaboration with your oil. Frankincense is a great oil to put in your skin cream though – but it is best if it is paraben free and chemical free (since oils will actually drive the toxins into your system) so just be sure you are choosing something safe. Frankincense can be found in many skin care products for aging and dry skin.
If you buy this oil on its own it is quite expensive – which is why if you are considering getting this oil a good way to go about it is with the Everyday Oils Starter Kit $150 retail or $115 wholesale. Frankincense is $91.78 retail & $69.75 wholesale.
It has a sweet warm smell and as I mentioned before, my go-to oil when I’m not really sure what might work the best.
One final thing to mention is that this oil is a good oil for spiritual connection and centering. It can help overcome stress and can just be an overall comforting oil. Diffuse it while you do yoga or meditation.

Visit my new blog to see old emails and new info on how I use oils in my everyday life with my family and other things I do to keep everyone healthy. I’m no expert, I’m learning as I go, but I thought I’d share and get feedback, etc. is the site. So feel free to leave comments and let me know if there are other ways you’ve used your oils that you’ve found to be effective. Also, this little blog is a work in progress as it is very brand new!

Signing off for now!
Young Living #1011092

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