I decided I’d post at the end of today instead of the beginning – some weird psychological thing – makes me feel so much closer to the end of my 5 day nutritive cleanse. So I’m about to fall asleep while I’m typing but it isn’t because of the cleanse it is because my day was filled – like they usually are – and don’t get me wrong I’m thankful for that fullness (usually). I’m doing alright I think, I had an investment club meeting tonight and resisted the temptation of all of the delicious food I prepared and set out for my co-investors…since I hosted. Tonight was actually the main reason I almost postponed my cleanse…but I forged through, so I’m happy. I could really use some hummus though!
I’ve been feeling hungry – I’m not gonna lie to you. I found myself a little bit on edge today. I snapped at Simon tonight (granted he slid down our slide full speed into his brother, on purpose) and laid in bed with him apologizing and then told him I could probably eat his arms if he wanted me to. I was immediately forgiven with giggles – but cleansing with two kids, a husband, a store, investment club meeting, knitting blog, crafting blog, lunch blog, a house that needs to be cleaned constantly but especially before people show up, laundry coming out my ears, and an oil business is a little bit tricky. Mama likes to eat food. And she will in just two more days. I know for sure at this point that if I hadn’t publicly announced my cleanse to each and everyone of you that might be reading out there – I probably would’ve caved. I’ll be happy when it is over and I’m all cleaned out!
I haven’t really been pooping – none of theĀ toothpaste poop (that I was forewarned of). I pee constantly but that is because I drink water constantly – it fills my belly for a few minutes. The instructions for the cleanse tell me that by day 3 my cravings will be gone – um wrong. I’ve been mixing the Balance Complete with water, which I may have already mentioned but that is just because the mixture with milk tasted too thick. I am finding however that after I drink my magical shake if I do wait a few minutes, as suggested, I’m full. I start to get really hungry though about an hour or so before I drink my shake. I fall asleep hungry, but wake up not hungry. The Ningxia Red is definitely giving me energy – I ran around like a chicken with her head cut off cleaning my house this afternoon and didn’t tire. The capsules – I’m not sure what exactly they are doing but I can taste Peppermint (which I’m into) and that is in the Digest & Cleanse Capsules. So I guess overall – so far so good – just really hard to resist the food at dinnertime. Everything smells so delicious!
The great part about the end of the day is I can say only 2 more days to go and I can really mean it – posting about my progress in the morning is for the birds.
P.S. my apple blossom photos are a little bit out of order, just pretend I posted this one before the Cleansing Day 1 post.
I ordered the 5-day cleanse 2 months ago and I keep finding excuses to postpone my start. “well, this isn’t a good week because we are having these people over for dinner…” and so on. I can feel your struggle with hunger and I’m not sure I will be able to resist for 5days. Are you doing the recommended snacks at all? Sunflower seeds was one I thought. Well, keep powering through, you are an inspiration in more ways then one…maybe next week is the week!
You are amazing for even trying! and you will be so proud when you make it through…I’m impressed and inspired as usual. Can’t wait to hear how the nest 2 days go!